The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

From the to-do list: Programme changes

✔ Open Layers Showcase (session 52) under threat: Tom Payne wants to withdraw it (but keep his paper in session 61)


Rollo Home on August 8, 2013:

Tom is currently seeing if a colleague can commit to this paper. Backup:

Tim Schaub at OpenGeo ( is one of the lead devs on OL3. He's hoping to run a workshop / code sprint / something  during the conference. I suggested we may be able to provide a venue on the 20th but I've just heard back that they are going to try and arrange something for the 18th.

It might be worth asking Tom if he thinks someone else on the OL team would like to fill in if he's not able.

Steven Feldman on August 8, 2013:

We should flag these sessions as "Cancelled by the Presenter" or something similar so that the community understand why they are not going ahead and there is a gap

Barry Rowlingson on August 8, 2013:

I do have a 'cancelled' flag I stuck in the database for this kind of occurrence but its currently ignored by all the page logic... Job for the weekend.

Rollo Home on August 9, 2013:

I noticed that. Other 'cancelled' papers have been deleted, which is not ideal as I'd like to keep a record of what we originally offered - not our fault people drop out. This cancelled function would be good.

Barry Rowlingson on August 9, 2013:

I'll implement that this weekend. If a presentation is cancelled I'll grey it out in the timetable - obviously if something else gets rescheduled in that slot it will disappear. I'll filter them out in other places, but there's quite a few places where the code gets a list of presentations....

Rollo Home on August 15, 2013:

Tom Payne will be replaced by Éric Lemoine. Hurray!