FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects
virtual FDO_API_COMMON FdoBoolean FdoXmlCopyHandler::AttHasNs ( FdoString uri,
FdoString name,
FdoString qName,
FdoXmlAttribute att 
) [virtual]

This function is called before each attribute is copied to the destination document. It determines whether the attribute value references a qualified XML element name. If it does, then the namespace prefix for the value is converted to the equivalent prefix in the destination document.

uri Input the namespace URI for attribute's containing element.
name Input the local name for attribute's containing element.
qName Input the fully qualified name from attribute's containing element.
att Input the attribute to check.
returns true if the attribute value is a qualified XML element name. This default implementation returns true only if the containing element is in the XML Schema namespace and the attribute name is one of ("base","type","ref"). Classes derived from FdoXmlCopyHandler can override this virtual function to change this behaviour.

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