FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects
virtual FDO_API void FdoExpression::Process ( FdoIExpressionProcessor p  )  [pure virtual]

Abstract operation that takes an FdoIExpressionProcessor as an argument. Concrete expression subclasses must override this method and pass themselves as an argument to the appropriate expression processor operation.

p Input expression processor
Returns nothing

Implemented in FdoBinaryExpression, FdoBooleanValue, FdoCLOBValue, FdoComputedIdentifier, FdoFunction, FdoGeometryValue, FdoIdentifier, FdoInt16Value, FdoInt32Value, FdoInt64Value, FdoLOBValue, FdoParameter, FdoSingleValue, FdoStringValue, and FdoUnaryExpression.

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