FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects
virtual FDO_API void FdoIRaster::SetStreamReader ( FdoIStreamReader reader  )  [pure virtual]

Set the source of image data. Image data is shipped using a paradigm similar to BLOB I/O. When inserting or updating an object with a raster property, the SetStreamReader method provides a means to set a FdoIStreamReader callback. On execution of an insert or update command, requests are made on the reader for the image data (which is supplied by the FDO client application). The format of the image data expected is determined by the DataModel property. The data type, bit depth, tiling and organization specify the meaning of the image data. By setting the DataModel property prior to setting a reader for the data, the FDO client application can control the way data is understood by, the FDO raster subsystem.

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