FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoXmlReader Class Reference

#include <Reader.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

FdoXmlReader reads an XML document from a text or binary stream. As various document fragments are read, it calls the appropriate SAX Handler callback on the current SAX Handler. This object maintains a stack of SAX Handlers, with the current one being the top handler in the stack. Callers provide this object with SAX Handlers to customize the processing of the XML document. FdoSAXHandler callbacks also provide a means to push other handlers onto the stack. For example, a SAX Handler for a particular XML element might push another handler to read a particular sub-element.

Definition at line 35 of file Reader.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual FDO_API_COMMON FdoStringP DecodeName (FdoStringP name)=0
 Utility function that is typically called for element names or name type attributes that were adjusted when they were written to XML. FDO names that correspond to XML names, but aren't valid XML names, are adjusted. This function undoes the name adjustment.
 Indicates whether the end of the XML document has been reached.
FDO_API_COMMON FdoDictionaryGetNamespaces ()
 Returns all of the XML namespace declarations that are currently in-scope for the current position in the XML document being read.
FDO_API_COMMON FdoIoStreamGetStream ()
 Gets the underlying stream. If a text reader was passed to this object then the stream for this text reader is returned. If a stream was passed to this object then this stream is returned. If a file name as passed then a auto-generated stream (wrapped around the file) is returned.
FDO_API_COMMON FdoIoTextReaderGetTextReader ()
 Gets the underlying text reader. If a text reader was passed to this object then this text reader is returned. Otherwise, an auto-generated text reader is returned (a text reader wrapped around the file name or stream that was passed to this object).
virtual FDO_API_COMMON FdoBoolean Parse (FdoXmlSaxHandler *saxHandler=NULL, FdoXmlSaxContext *saxContext=NULL, FdoBoolean incremental=false)=0
 Parses the XML document.
FDO_API_COMMON FdoStringPrefixToUri (FdoString *prefix)
 Gets the URI for a namespace prefix.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDO_API_COMMON FdoXmlReaderCreate (FdoIoTextReader *reader)
 Constructs an XML reader on a text reader.
static FDO_API_COMMON FdoXmlReaderCreate (FdoIoStream *stream)
 Constructs an XML reader on a stream.
static FDO_API_COMMON FdoXmlReaderCreate (FdoString *fileName)
 Constructs an XML reader on a file.


class  HandlerStack
 SAX Handler stack definition.
class  PrefixMapping
 Tracks the scoped URI's for an XML namespace prefix.
class  PrefixMappingCollection
 SAX Handler stack definition.
class  StackElement
 SAX Handler stack element. Wraps around a SAX Handler.

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