FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects
System::Void OSGeo::FDO::IProviderRegistryImp::RegisterProvider ( String *  name,
String *  displayName,
String *  description,
String *  version,
String *  fdoVersion,
String *  libraryPath,
System::Boolean  isManaged 

Registers a provider given the necessary information to register the provider. If any of the parameters are missing or invalid, an exception is thrown.

name The unique name of the feature provider. This name should be of the form [Company].[Provider].[Version].
displayName A user friendly display name of the feature provider.
description A brief description of the feature provider.
version The version of the feature provider. The version number string has the form [VersionMajor].[VersionMinor].[BuildMajor].[BuildMinor].
fdoVersion The version of the feature data objects specification the feature provider conforms to. The version number string has the form [VersionMajor].[VersionMinor].[BuildMajor].[BuildMinor].
libraryPath The FULL library path + library name of the provider.
isManaged A flag indicating if the provider is a managed or unmanaged .Net provider.
Returns nothing. Throws an instance of Exception if an error occurs.

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