FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking Namespace Reference


interface  IAcquireLock
 The IAcquireLock interface locks feature instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the acquire lock command includes the name of the class, the lock type, the lock strategy, and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be locked. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The lock type value is one of. More...
class  IAcquireLockImp
 The IAcquireLockImp class is a concrete implementation of IAcquireLock. The IAcquireLock interface locks feature instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the acquire lock command includes the name of the class, the lock type, the lock strategy, and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be locked. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The lock type value is one of. More...
interface  IGetLockedObjects
 The IGetLockedObjects interface defines the GetLockedObjects command, which gets a list of all objects that are currently locked by a particular user. More...
class  IGetLockedObjectsImp
 The IGetLockedObjectsImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLockedObjects. The IGetLockedObjects interface defines the GetLockedObjects command, which gets a list of all objects that are currently locked by a particular user. More...
interface  IGetLockInfo
 The IGetLockInfo interface defines the GetLockInfo command, which gets a lock information for the feature instances of a given class that match the specified filter. If the filter is empty, all feature instances of the given class are selected. More...
class  IGetLockInfoImp
 The IGetLockInfoImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLockedObjects. The IGetLockInfo interface defines the GetLockInfo command, which gets a lock information for the feature instances of a given class that match the specified filter. If the filter is empty, all feature instances of the given class are selected. More...
interface  IGetLockOwners
 The IGetLockOwners interface defines the GetLockOwners command, which gets a list of all lock owners. A connected user has the status of being a lock owner as does a user who has released all of his locks. More...
class  IGetLockOwnersImp
 The IGetLockOwnersImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLockedObjects. The IGetLockOwners interface defines the GetLockOwners command, which gets a list of all lock owners. A connected user has the status of being a lock owner as does a user who has released all of his locks. More...
interface  ILockConflictReader
 The ILockConflictReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for identifying features that have a lock conflict. Features with a lock conflict are those that the caller is attempting to modify that are already locked by someone else. More...
class  ILockConflictReaderImp
 The ILockConflictReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILockConflictReaderImp. The ILockConflictReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for identifying features that have a lock conflict. Features with a lock conflict are those that the caller is attempting to modify that are already locked by someone else. More...
interface  ILockedObjectReader
 The ILockedObjectReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality to identify lock information for a set of objects. More...
class  ILockedObjectReaderImp
 The ILockedObjectReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILockedObjectReader. The ILockedObjectReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality to identify lock information for a set of objects. More...
interface  ILockOwnersReader
 The ILockOwnersReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality for identifying users. A connected user has status of lock owner even if he has no locks or has released his locks. More...
class  ILockOwnersReaderImp
 The ILockOwnersReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILockOwnersReader. The ILockOwnersReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality for identifying users. A connected user has status of lock owner even if he has no locks or has released his locks. More...
interface  IReleaseLock
 The IReleaseLock interface defines the ReleaseLock command, which releases locks from feature instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the release lock command includes the name of the class and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be unlocked. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The ability to successfully execute the command might be restricted by the datastore security if the lock doesn’t belong to the user executing the command. More...
class  IReleaseLockImp
 The IReleaseLockImp class is a concrete implementation of IReleaseLock. The IReleaseLock interface defines the ReleaseLock command, which releases locks from feature instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the release lock command includes the name of the class and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be unlocked. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The ability to successfully execute the command might be restricted by the datastore security if the lock doesn’t belong to the user executing the command. More...


System::Void Close ()
 Closes the ILockOwnersReader object, freeing any resources it may be holding.
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::ILockConflictReaderExecute ()
 Executes the release lock command, returning an ILockConflictReader.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::LockStrategy get_LockStrategy ()
 Gets the LockStrategy value.
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::ConflictType GetConflictType ()
 Gets the conflict type for the conflict currently being read.
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::PropertyValueCollectionGetIdentity ()
 Gets an PropertyValueCollection containing the property values that uniquely identify the feature currently being read.
System::String * GetLockOwner ()
 Gets the name of user who holds the lock on the feature currently being read.
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::LockType GetLockType ()
 Gets the type of the lock held on the feature currently being read.
System::String * GetLongTransaction ()
 Gets the name of the long transaction in which the feature currently being read is locked.
System::Boolean ReadNext ()
 Advances the reader to the next item. The default position of the reader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data.
__property System::Void set_LockOwner (System::String *value)
 Sets the name of the user who owns the lock to release.
__property System::Void set_LockStrategy (OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::LockStrategy value)
 Sets the LockStrategy value (all or partial).
__property System::Void set_LockType (OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::LockType value)
 Sets the LockType value.


public __gc __interface IAcquireLock
public __gc __interface IGetLockedObjects
public __gc __interface IGetLockInfo
public __gc __interface IGetLockOwners
public __gc __interface ILockConflictReader
public __gc __interface ILockConflictReader
public __gc __interface ILockConflictReader
public __gc __interface ILockConflictReader
public __gc __interface ILockConflictReader
public __gc __interface ILockConflictReader
public __gc __interface ILockConflictReader
public __gc __interface ILockConflictReader
public __gc __interface ILockConflictReader
public __gc __interface ILockConflictReader
public __gc __interface ILockedObjectReader
public __gc __interface ILockedObjectReader
public __gc __interface ILockedObjectReader
public __gc __interface ILockedObjectReader
public __gc __interface ILockedObjectReader
public __gc __interface ILockedObjectReader
public __gc __interface ILockOwnersReader
public __gc __interface ILockOwnersReader
public __gc __interface ILockOwnersReader
public __gc __interface ILockOwnersReader
public __gc __interface IReleaseLock

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