FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects



class  OSGeo::FDO::Raster::DataValueCollection
 DataValueCollection is a collection of DataValue objects. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Raster::IRaster
 The IRaster interface specifies the data type and organization of raster data retrieved and stored. Using this class and the image extents in width and length, the binary format of the image data returned by and accepted by the IoStreamReader class can be interpreted. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Raster::IRasterImp
 IRasterImp specifies the data type and organization of raster data retrieved and stored. Using this class and the image extents in width and length, the binary format of the image data returned by and accepted by the IoStreamReader class can be interpreted. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Raster::IRasterPropertyDictionary
 The IRasterPropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the raster properties. Through this interface the non-standard properties of a raster image can be determined and their values can be retrieved and set. Data values are exchanged through the DataValue object to accommodate various data types, boolean, integer, double, string etc. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Raster::IRasterPropertyDictionaryImp
 The IRasterPropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the raster properties. Through this interface the non-standard properties of a raster image can be determined and their values can be retrieved and set. Data values are exchanged through the DataValue object to accommodate various data types, boolean, integer, double, string etc. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Raster::RasterDataModel
 The RasterDataModel specifies the data type and organization of raster data retrieved and stored. Using this class and the image extents in width and length, the binary format of the image data returned by and accepted by the IStreamReader class can be interpreted. More...


enum  RasterDataModelType {
  RasterDataModelType_Unknown = FdoRasterDataModelType_Unknown,
  RasterDataModelType_Data = FdoRasterDataModelType_Data,
  RasterDataModelType_Bitonal = FdoRasterDataModelType_Bitonal,
  RasterDataModelType_Gray = FdoRasterDataModelType_Gray,
  RasterDataModelType_RGB = FdoRasterDataModelType_RGB,
  RasterDataModelType_RGBA = FdoRasterDataModelType_RGBA,
  RasterDataModelType_Palette = FdoRasterDataModelType_Palette
 The RasterDataModelType enumeration specifies the type of data within each pixel. In all cases the data is 'packed', that is, adjacent pixels are contiguous in memory with no unused bits between them, except at the end of a row, where the row is padded to a byte boundary. For example, four bit grayscale data (BitsPerPixel=4) would be packed two pixels to a byte, and a row would be padded with four bits if the image width was odd. Tri-colour or four channel data is also organized adjacently in memory, with no intervening padding except at the ends of rows. For example, eight bit RGB (BitsPerPixel=24) occupies three bytes per pixel, and would never need padding at the end of a row. Multiband data (i.e. RGB) has the same number of bits allocated to each band, so for example RGBT data with eight bits for red, would also have eight bits for each of the three other bands totaling thirty-two bits (BitsPerPixel=32). More...
enum  RasterDataOrganization {
  RasterDataOrganization_Pixel = FdoRasterDataOrganization_Pixel,
  RasterDataOrganization_Row = FdoRasterDataOrganization_Row,
  RasterDataOrganization_Image = FdoRasterDataOrganization_Image
 The RasterDataOrganization enumeration specifies the way pixel data is interleaved. Data is stored/retrieved in left to right, and secondarily top to bottom order within the interleave order. Tiles are also stored/retrieved in left to right, top to bottom order. For tiled data, data for one tile is completely stored/retrieved before the next tile, so for example, with 'RasterDataOrganization_Image' organization of RGB data with 24 bits per pixel, the TileSizeX by TileSizeY 8 bit data values for the red channel are stored first followed by the same number of green bytes, followed by the same number of blue bytes. This organization dependant storage should be considered when 'skipping' to the middle of an image. More...
enum  RasterDataType {
  RasterDataType_Unknown = FdoRasterDataType_Unknown,
  RasterDataType_UnsignedInteger = FdoRasterDataType_UnsignedInteger,
  RasterDataType_Integer = FdoRasterDataType_Integer,
  RasterDataType_Float = FdoRasterDataType_Float,
  RasterDataType_Double = FdoRasterDataType_Double
 The RasterDataType enumeration specifies the type of data stored in the Raster Image. More...

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