FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

mgISelectAggregates.h File Reference

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namespace  OSGeo
namespace  OSGeo::FDO
namespace  OSGeo::FDO::Commands
namespace  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature
namespace  OSGeo::FDO::Filter


__property System::Boolean OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::get_Distinct ()
 Get the distinct option.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Commands::IdentifierCollectionOSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::get_Grouping ()
 Gets the IdentifierCollection that holds the list of group by property names. If empty no grouping is used. This list is initially empty and the caller need to add the property that the command should use as a group by criteria. No LOB or Geometry type properties can be used for ordering.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Filter::FilterOSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::get_GroupingFilter ()
 Gets the grouping by filter.
__property System::Void OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::set_Distinct (System::Boolean value)
 Set the distinct option of the selection. Non-simple properties such as object properties, geometry properties, raster properties, association properties, etc. will not be supported with Distinct.
__property System::Void OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::set_GroupingFilter (OSGeo::FDO::Filter::Filter *filter)
 Set the grouping by filter. Use the grouping filter to restrict the groups of returned properties to those groups for which the specified filter is TRUE. For example "order by city" and "min(lanes) = 2". The Filter have to evalute to a binary value(true or false).


public __gc __interface OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IDataReader
public __gc __interface OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::ISelectAggregates

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