FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Geometry Namespace Reference


class  CurvePolygonCollection
 The CurvePolygonCollection class is a collection of CurvePolygon objects. More...
class  CurveSegmentCollection
 The CurveSegmentCollection class represents a collection of CurveSegment objects. More...
class  CurveStringCollection
 The CurveStringCollection class is a collection of CurvePolygon objects. More...
class  DirectPositionCollection
 The DirectPositionCollection class is a collection of DirectPosition objects. More...
class  DirectPositionImpl
 The DirectPositionImpl class is a default implementation of IDirectPosition. DirectPositionImpl implements accessors from IDirectPosition, matching mutators, and simple data members. Assignment and exact equality operators are also provided. More...
class  EnvelopeImpl
 The EnvelopeImpl class is a default implementation of IEnvelope. EnvelopeImpl implements accessors from IEnvelope, matching mutators, and simple data members. Assignment, exact equality operators, and utility methods are also provided. More...
class  FgfGeometryFactory
 The FgfGeometryFactory class is an FGF-based Geometry factory, a concrete class that implements all the members from GeometryFactoryAbstract. More...
class  GeometryCollection
 The GeometryCollection class is a collection of Geometry objects. More...
class  GeometryFactoryAbstract
 The GeometryFactoryAbstract class is a factory (abstract, non-pure) for Geometry objects and Geometry helper objects. More...
interface  IArcSegmentAbstract
 The IArcSegmentAbstract class is an arc curve segment (abstract). More...
class  IArcSegmentAbstractImp
 The IArcSegmentAbstract class is an arc curve segment (abstract). More...
interface  ICircularArcSegment
 The ICircularArcSegment class is a circular arc curve segment. More...
class  ICircularArcSegmentImp
 The ICircularArcSegment class is a circular arc curve segment. More...
interface  ICurveAbstract
 The ICurveAbstract class is a curve Geometry type (abstract). ICurveAbstract is the most general curve type. More...
class  ICurveAbstractImp
 The ICurveAbstractImp class is a curve Geometry type (concrete). ICurveAbstractImp is the most general curve type. More...
interface  ICurvePolygon
 The ICurvePolygon class is a CurvePolygon geometry type. This type is defined by one exterior boundary and zero or more interior boundaries. Each of the boundaries must be a closed, simple Ring. More...
class  ICurvePolygonImp
 The ICurvePolygonImp class is a concrete geometric CurvePolygon geometry type. This type is defined by one exterior boundary and zero or more interior boundaries. Each of the boundaries must be a closed, simple Ring. More...
interface  ICurveSegmentAbstract
 The ICurveSegmentAbstract class is an abstract geometric Curve Segment object. This class is used strictly as a component of curves and, thus, does not inherit from IGeometry. More...
class  ICurveSegmentAbstractImp
 The ICurveSegmentAbstractImp class is a concrete geometric Curve Segment object. This class is used strictly as a component of curves and, thus, does not inherit from IGeometry. More...
interface  ICurveString
 The ICurveString class is a CurveString Geometry type. ICurveString is the most general non-abstract curve type. It is defined by an ordered collection of contiguous curve segments. More...
class  ICurveStringImp
 The ICurveStringImp class is a concrete geometric CurveString Geometry type. ICurveString is the most general non-abstract curve type. It is defined by an ordered collection of contiguous curve segments. More...
interface  IDirectPosition
 The IDirectPosition class is a direct position object. IDirectPosition is a simple coordinate position in any allowed dimension. The actual object may have several implementations, depending on the dimension and other factors. This is a lightweight helper type for Geometries in the Geometry package. Note: It does not derive from IGeometry. More...
class  IDirectPositionImp
 The IDirectPositionImp class is a default implementation of the IDirectPosition object. IDirectPosition is a simple coordinate position in any allowed dimension. The actual object may have several implementations, depending on the dimension and other factors. This is a lightweight helper type for Geometries in the Geometry package. Note: It does not derive from IGeometry. More...
interface  IEnvelope
 The IEnvelope class is a three-dimensional, axis-aligned box. This is a helper type for Geometries, and does not itself inherit from IGeometry. This type is typically used to record the "extents" of a shape, also known in 2 dimensions as an MBR ("Minimum Bounding Rectangle"). The box may be initially empty, meaning that no dimensions have an assigned value. Each individual extent may be unassigned, in which case using its accessor will return numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(). More...
class  IEnvelopeImp
 The IEnvelopeImp class is a three-dimensional, axis-aligned box. This is a helper type for Geometries, and does not itself inherit from IGeometry. More...
interface  IGeometricAggregateAbstract
 The IGeometricAggregateAbstract class is an aggregate Geometry (abstract) type. IGeometricAggregateAbstract is a single Geometry that is a collection of other geometries. There is no requirement that the geometries interact spatially. Non-abstract derived types should have at least one accessor that returns objects of the appropriate contained type. More...
class  IGeometricAggregateAbstractImp
 The IGeometricAggregateAbstractImp class is a default implementation of the aggregate Geometry type. IGeometricAggregateAbstract is a single Geometry that is a collection of other geometries. There is no requirement that the geometries interact spatially. Non-abstract derived types should have at least one accessor that returns objects of the appropriate contained type. More...
interface  IGeometry
 The IGeometry class defines the properties and methods common to all geometric types. IGeometry is an abstract type. More...
class  IGeometryImp
 The IGeometryImp class defines the properties and methods common to all geometric types. IGeometryImp is a concreate implementation of IGeometry. More...
interface  ILinearRing
 The ILinearRing class is a linear ring helper type. The shape of ILinearRing is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points. More...
class  ILinearRingImp
 The ILinearRingImp class is a linear ring helper type. The shape of ILinearRingImp is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points. More...
interface  ILineString
 The ILineString class is a LineString Geometry type. The shape of ILineString is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points. More...
class  ILineStringImp
 The ILineStringImp class is a LineString Geometry type. The shape of ILineStringImp is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points. More...
interface  ILineStringSegment
 The ILineStringSegment class is a LineString curve segment type. The shape of ILineStringSegment is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points. This is a helper type for Geometries in the Geometry package. Note: It does not derive from IGeometry. More...
class  ILineStringSegmentImp
 The ILineStringSegmentImp class is a LineString curve segment type. The shape of ILineStringSegmentImp is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points. This is a helper type for Geometries in the Geometry package. Note: It does not derive from IGeometry. More...
interface  IMultiCurvePolygon
 The IMultiCurvePolygon class is a multi-CurvePolygon aggregate Geometry type. More...
class  IMultiCurvePolygonImp
 The IMultiCurvePolygonImp class is a multi-CurvePolygon aggregate Geometry type. More...
interface  IMultiCurveString
 The IMultiCurveString class is a multi-CurveString collection Geometry type. The curves contained here do not have to be contiguous, nor spatially interact in any other way. More...
class  IMultiCurveStringImp
 The IMultiCurveStringImp class is a multi-CurveString collection Geometry type. The curves contained here do not have to be contiguous, nor spatially interact in any other way. More...
interface  IMultiGeometry
 The IMultiGeometry class is a heterogeneous MultiGeometry type. One MultiGeometry containing another MultiGeometry is not supported. More...
class  IMultiGeometryImp
 The IMultiGeometryImp class is a heterogeneous MultiGeometry type. One MultiGeometry containing another MultiGeometry is not supported. More...
interface  IMultiLineString
 The IMultiLineString class is a multi-LineString collection geometry type. The curves contained here do not have to be contiguous, nor spatially interact in any other way. More...
class  IMultiLineStringImp
 The IMultiLineStringImp class is a multi-LineString collection geometry type. The curves contained here do not have to be contiguous, nor spatially interact in any other way. More...
interface  IMultiPoint
 The IMultiPoint class is a multi-point aggregate Geometry type. More...
class  IMultiPointImp
 The IMultiPointImp class is a multi-point aggregate Geometry type. More...
interface  IMultiPolygon
 The IMultiPolygon class is a multi-polygon aggregate Geometry type. More...
class  IMultiPolygonImp
 The IMultiPolygonImp class is a multi-polygon aggregate Geometry type. More...
interface  IPoint
 The IPoint class is a point Geometry type. More...
class  IPointImp
 The IPointImp class is a point Geometry type. More...
interface  IPolygon
 The IPolygon class is a polygon Geometry type. IPolygon is defined by one exterior boundary and zero or more interior boundaries. Each of the boundaries must be a closed, simple LinearRing. More...
class  IPolygonImp
 The IPolygonImp class is a polygon Geometry type. IPolygonImp is defined by one exterior boundary and zero or more interior boundaries. Each of the boundaries must be a closed, simple LinearRing. More...
interface  IRing
 The IRing class is ring Geometry helper type. This is the most general non-abstract ring type. FdoIRing is defined by an ordered collection of contiguous curve segments. More...
interface  IRingAbstract
 The IRingAbstract class is a ring Geometry helper type (abstract). IRingAbstract is the most general ring type. It is similar to CurveAbstract, but is always closed. More...
class  IRingAbstractImp
 The IRingAbstractImp class is a ring Geometry helper type (abstract). FdoIRingAbstract is the most general ring type. It is similar to CurveAbstract, but is always closed. More...
class  IRingImp
 The IRingImp class is ring Geometry helper type. This is the most general non-abstract ring type. FdoIRing is defined by an ordered collection of contiguous curve segments. More...
interface  ISurfaceAbstract
 The ISurfaceAbstract class is a surface (abstract) Geometry type. More...
class  ISurfaceAbstractImp
 The ISurfaceAbstractImp class is a surface (concrete) Geometry type. More...
class  LinearRingCollection
 The LinearRingCollection class is a collection of ILinearRing objects. More...
class  LineStringCollection
 The LineStringCollection class is a collection of LineString objects. More...
class  ObjectFactory
 () More...
class  PointCollection
 The PointCollection class is a collection of Point objects. More...
class  PolygonCollection
 The PolygonCollection class is a collection of IPolygon objects. More...
class  RingCollection
 The RingCollection class is a collection of IRing objects. More...


__property OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::CurveSegmentCollectionget_CurveSegments ()
 Gets all the curve segments.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Common::GeometryComponentType get_DerivedType ()
 Gets the type of the most-derived interface in the Geometry package for this object.
__property System::Int32 get_Dimensionality ()
 Gets the dimensionality of ordinates in this object.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IDirectPositionget_EndPosition ()
 Gets the ending position of this curve segment.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IRingget_InteriorRing (System::Int32 index)
 Gets the interior ring at the specified (zero-based) index.
__property System::Int32 get_InteriorRingCount ()
 Gets the number of interior rings.
__property System::Boolean get_IsClosed ()
 Gets the closure state for the curve segment.
__property System::Boolean get_IsEmpty ()
 Indicates whether the envelope's extents are set.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICurveSegmentAbstractget_Item (System::Int32 index)
 Gets the curve segment at the given zero-based index.
__property System::Double get_M ()
 Gets the M ordinate.
__property System::Double get_MaxX ()
 Gets the maximum X coordinate value.
__property System::Double get_MaxY ()
 Gets the maximum Y coordinate value.
__property System::Double get_MaxZ ()
 Gets the maximum Z coordinate value.
__property System::Double get_MinY ()
 Gets the minimum Y coordinate value.
__property System::Double get_MinZ ()
 Gets the minimum Z coordinate value.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::DirectPositionCollectionget_Positions ()
 Gets a collection of all of the positions in this object.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IDirectPositionget_StartPosition ()
 Gets the starting position of this curve segment.
__property System::String * get_Text ()
 Gets the text string representation of this Geometry.
__property System::Double get_Y ()
 Gets the Y ordinate.
__property System::Double get_Z ()
 Gets the Z ordinate.
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILinearRingGetInteriorRing (System::Int32 index)
 Gets the interior ring at the specified (zero-based) index.
virtual System::Void GetItemByMembers (System::Int32 index, System::Double &coordinateX, System::Double &coordinateY, System::Double &coordinateZ, System::Double &coordinateM, System::Int32 &dimensionality)=0
 Gets the position at the specified (zero-based) index, by values of its member data. This is in aid of higher performance for any implementation that does not internally use FdoIDirectPosition objects for storage, or for an application seeking to avoid overhead of accessor methods.
virtual System::Void GetPositionByMembers (System::Double &coordinateX, System::Double &coordinateY, System::Double &coordinateZ, System::Double &coordinateM, System::Int32 &dimensionality)=0
 Gets the position of this point Geometry, by values of its member data. This is in aid of higher performance for any implementation that does not internally use FdoIDirectPosition objects for storage, or for an application seeking to avoid overhead of accessor methods.


public __gc __interface IArcSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICircularArcSegment
public __gc __interface ICircularArcSegment
public __gc __interface ICircularArcSegment
public __gc __interface ICircularArcSegment
public __gc __interface ICircularArcSegment
public __gc __interface ICurveAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurvePolygon
public __gc __interface ICurvePolygon
public __gc __interface ICurvePolygon
public __gc __interface ICurvePolygon
public __gc __interface ICurvePolygon
public __gc __interface ICurvePolygon
public __gc __interface ICurveSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurveSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurveSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurveSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurveSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurveSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurveSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurveSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurveSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurveSegmentAbstract
public __gc __interface ICurveString
public __gc __interface ICurveString
public __gc __interface ICurveString
public __gc __interface ICurveString
public __gc __interface ICurveString
public __gc __interface ICurveString
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IDirectPosition
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IEnvelope
public __gc __interface IGeometricAggregateAbstract
public __gc __interface IGeometry
public __gc __interface IGeometry
public __gc __interface IGeometry
public __gc __interface IGeometry
public __gc __interface IGeometry
public __gc __interface IGeometry
public __gc __interface IGeometry
public __gc __interface ILinearRing
public __gc __interface ILinearRing
public __gc __interface ILinearRing
public __gc __interface ILinearRing
public __gc __interface ILinearRing
public __gc __interface ILinearRing
public __gc __interface ILinearRing
public __gc __interface ILineString
public __gc __interface ILineString
public __gc __interface ILineString
public __gc __interface ILineString
public __gc __interface ILineString
public __gc __interface ILineString
public __gc __interface ILineStringSegment
public __gc __interface ILineStringSegment
public __gc __interface ILineStringSegment
public __gc __interface ILineStringSegment
public __gc __interface IMultiCurvePolygon
public __gc __interface IMultiCurvePolygon
public __gc __interface IMultiCurvePolygon
public __gc __interface IMultiCurvePolygon
public __gc __interface IMultiCurveString
public __gc __interface IMultiCurveString
public __gc __interface IMultiCurveString
public __gc __interface IMultiCurveString
public __gc __interface IMultiGeometry
public __gc __interface IMultiGeometry
public __gc __interface IMultiGeometry
public __gc __interface IMultiGeometry
public __gc __interface IMultiLineString
public __gc __interface IMultiLineString
public __gc __interface IMultiLineString
public __gc __interface IMultiLineString
public __gc __interface IMultiPoint
public __gc __interface IMultiPoint
public __gc __interface IMultiPoint
public __gc __interface IMultiPoint
public __gc __interface IMultiPolygon
public __gc __interface IMultiPolygon
public __gc __interface IMultiPolygon
public __gc __interface IMultiPolygon
public __gc __interface IPoint
public __gc __interface IPoint
public __gc __interface IPoint
public __gc __interface IPoint
public __gc __interface IPoint
public __gc __interface IPoint
public __gc __interface IPolygon
public __gc __interface IPolygon
public __gc __interface IPolygon
public __gc __interface IPolygon
public __gc __interface IPolygon
public __gc __interface IPolygon
public __gc __interface IPolygon
public __gc __interface IRing
public __gc __interface IRing
public __gc __interface IRing
public __gc __interface IRing
public __gc __interface IRing
public __gc __interface IRing
public __gc __interface IRingAbstract
public __gc __interface ISurfaceAbstract

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