FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore Namespace Reference


interface  ICreateDataStore
 The ICreateDataStore interface defines the create datastore command, which can be used to create new provider specific datastores. The input is provided through a dictionary of name value pairs that is provider dependant. More...
class  ICreateDataStoreImp
 The ICreateDataStoreImp class is a concrete implementation of interface ICreateDataStore. ICreateDataStore defines the create datastore command, which can be used to create new provider specific datastores. The input is provided through a dictionary of name value pairs that is provider dependant. More...
interface  IDataStorePropertyDictionary
 The IDataStorePropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the datastore properties. The properties required to create or destroy a datastore can be determined and their values can be set through this interface. More...
class  IDataStorePropertyDictionaryImp
 The IDataStorePropertyDictionaryImp class represents a concret implementation of interface IDataStorePropertyDictionary. IDataStorePropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the datastore properties. The properties required to create or destroy a datastore can be determined and their values can be set through this interface. More...
interface  IDataStoreReader
 The IDataStoreReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading feature data. A reference to an IDataStoreReader is returned from the IListDataStores command. Because the initial position of the IDataStoreReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
class  IDataStoreReaderImp
 The IDataStoreReaderImp class is a concrete implementation class of the IDataStoreReader interface. IDataStoreReader provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading feature data. A reference to an IDataStoreReader is returned from the IListDataStores command. Because the initial position of the IDataStoreReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
interface  IDestroyDataStore
 The IDestroyDataStore interface defines the destroy datastore command, which can be used to create new provider specific datastores. The input is provided through a dictionary of name value pairs that is provider dependant. More...
class  IDestroyDataStoreImp
 () The IDestroyDataStoreImp class is a concrete implementation of interface IDestroyDataStore. The IDestroyDataStore class defines the destroy datastore command, which can be used to create new provider specific datastores. The input is provided through a dictionary of name value pairs that is provider dependant. More...
interface  IListDataStores
 The IListDataStores interface defines the list datastores command, which provides a way to get a list of datastores at a particular server. More...
class  IListDataStoresImp
 () The IListDataStoresImp class is a concrete implementation of interface IListDataStores. The IListDataStores interface defines the list datastores command, which provides a way to get a list of datastores at a particular server. More...


System::Void Close ()
 Closes the IDataStoreReader object, freeing any resources it may be holding.
System::Void Execute ()
 Executes the IListDataStores command.
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::IDataStorePropertyDictionaryGetDataStoreProperties ()
 Gets the IDataStorePropertyDictionary interface that includes the properties of the datastores set at datastore create time, with the exception of password.
System::String * GetDescription ()
 Gets the description of the datastore currently being read.
System::Boolean GetIsFdoEnabled ()
 Gets the flag that indicates whether the datastore is FDO enabled. Non-FDO databases are also referred to as 'Foreign' datastores.
System::Boolean IsPropertyFilePath (System::String *name)
 Determines if the specified property represents a path name.
System::Boolean ReadNext ()
 Advances the reader to the next item and returns true if there is another object to read or false if reading is complete. The default position of the reader is prior to the first item. Thus you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data.
__property System::Void set_IncludeNonFdoEnabledDatastores (System::Boolean include)
 Sets the flag to indicate whether to include or not include Non-FDO enabled datastores in the returned list. These are also referred to as 'Foreign' datastores.


public __gc __interface ICreateDataStore
public __gc __interface IDataStorePropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IDataStorePropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IDataStorePropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IDataStorePropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IDataStorePropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IDataStorePropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IDataStorePropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IDataStorePropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IDataStoreReader
public __gc __interface IDataStoreReader
public __gc __interface IDataStoreReader
public __gc __interface IDataStoreReader
public __gc __interface IDestroyDataStore
public __gc __interface IListDataStores

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