FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects



interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IActivateLongTransaction
 The IActivateLongTransaction interface defines the ActivateLongTransaction command, which activates a long transaction where feature manipulation and locking commands operate on it. Input to the activate long transaction command is the long transaction name. The Execute operation activates the identified long transaction if the user has access privileges for it. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IActivateLongTransactionCheckpoint
 The IActivateLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the ActivateLongTransactionCheckpoint command, which allows the user to activate the named checkpoint for the given long transaction. As a result, the long transaction that owns the checkpoint will be activated as well if it is not already the active long transaction. The user requires the access privilege on the long transaction for which the attempt is made to activate a checkpoint. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IActivateLongTransactionCheckpointImp
 The IActivateLongTransactionCheckpointImp class is a concrete implementation of IActivateLongTransactionCheckpoint. The IActivateLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the IActivateLongTransactionCheckpointImp command, which allows the user to activate the named checkpoint for the given long transaction. As a result, the long transaction that owns the checkpoint will be activated as well if it is not already the active long transaction. The user requires the access privilege on the long transaction for which the attempt is made to activate a checkpoint. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IActivateLongTransactionImp
 The IActivateLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of IActivateLongTransaction. The IActivateLongTransaction interface defines the ActivateLongTransaction command, which activates a long transaction where feature manipulation and locking commands operate on it. Input to the activate long transaction command is the long transaction name. The Execute operation activates the identified long transaction if the user has access privileges for it. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IChangeLongTransactionPrivileges
 The IChangeLongTransactionPrivileges interface defines the ChangeLongTransactionPrivileges command, which grants or revokes long transaction privileges for the named user. The ability to change the privileges might be restricted by the datastore security if the long transaction doesn’t belong to the user executing the command. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IChangeLongTransactionPrivilegesImp
 The IChangeLongTransactionPrivilegesImp class is a concrete implementation of IChangeLongTransactionPrivileges. The IChangeLongTransactionPrivileges interface defines the ChangeLongTransactionPrivileges command, which grants or revokes long transaction privileges for the named user. The ability to change the privileges might be restricted by the datastore security if the long transaction doesn’t belong to the user executing the command. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IChangeLongTransactionSet
 The IChangeLongTransactionSet interface defines the ChangeLongTransactionSet command, which allows the user to add a transaction to, remove a transaction from, or clear the long transaction selection set. Users can add or remove long transactions to the selection set for which they have access privileges. Any attempt to add a long transaction for which the user does not have the access privilege will result in a failure of the command. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IChangeLongTransactionSetImp
 The IChangeLongTransactionSetImp class is a concrete implementation of IChangeLongTransactionSet. The IChangeLongTransactionSet interface defines the ChangeLongTransactionSet command, which allows the user to add a transaction to, remove a transaction from, or clear the long transaction selection set. Users can add or remove long transactions to the selection set for which they have access privileges. Any attempt to add a long transaction for which the user does not have the access privilege will result in a failure of the command. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICommitLongTransaction
 The ICommitLongTransaction interface defines the CommitLongTransaction command, which allows a user to execute commit operations on a long transaction. Two different commit operations are distinguished: full and partial. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICommitLongTransactionImp
 The ICommitLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of ICommitLongTransaction. The ICommitLongTransaction interface defines the CommitLongTransaction command, which allows a user to execute commit operations on a long transaction. Two different commit operations are distinguished: full and partial. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICreateLongTransaction
 The ICreateLongTransaction interface defines the CreateLongTransaction command which creates a long transaction that is based upon the currently active long transaction. If no long transaction is active, then the long transaction is based upon the root data. Input to the create long transaction command includes a name and description for the new long transaction. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICreateLongTransactionCheckpoint
 The ICreateLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the CreateLongTransactionCheckpoint command, which allows the user to create a checkpoint for any long transaction to which the user has the access privileges. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICreateLongTransactionCheckpointImp
 The ICreateLongTransactionCheckpointImp class is a concrete implementation of ICreateLongTransactionCheckpoint. The ICreateLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the CreateLongTransactionCheckpoint command, which allows the user to create a checkpoint for any long transaction to which the user has the access privileges. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICreateLongTransactionImp
 The ICreateLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of ICreateLongTransaction. command which creates a long transaction that is based upon the currently active long transaction. If no long transaction is active, then the long transaction is based upon the root data. Input to the create long transaction command includes a name and description for the new long transaction. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IDeactivateLongTransaction
 The IDeactivateLongTransaction interface defines the DeactivateLongTransaction command, which deactivates the active long transaction where feature manipulation commands operate on it. If the active long transaction is the root long transaction, then no long transaction will be deactivated. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IDeactivateLongTransactionImp
 The IDeactivateLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of IDeactivateLongTransaction. The IDeactivateLongTransaction interface defines the DeactivateLongTransaction command, which deactivates the active long transaction where feature manipulation commands operate on it. If the active long transaction is the root long transaction, then no long transaction will be deactivated. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IFreezeLongTransaction
 The IFreezeLongTransaction interface defines the FreezeLongTransaction command, which freezes or thaws a long transaction. When a long transaction is frozen the user who froze it gains exclusive access to it. Other users can read it, but not apply any updates. Input to the FreezeLongTransaction command is the long transaction name and the operation to perform. The Execute method performs the specified operation on the identified long transaction if the user has access privileges for the indicated long transaction. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IFreezeLongTransactionImp
 The IFreezeLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of IFreezeLongTransaction. The IFreezeLongTransaction interface defines the FreezeLongTransaction command, which freezes or thaws a long transaction. When a long transaction is frozen the user who froze it gains exclusive access to it. Other users can read it, but not apply any updates. Input to the FreezeLongTransaction command is the long transaction name and the operation to perform. The Execute method performs the specified operation on the identified long transaction if the user has access privileges for the indicated long transaction. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionCheckpoints
 The IGetLongTransactionCheckpoints interface defines the GetLongTransactionCheckpoints command, which allows the user to enumerate the checkpoints for a given long transaction. To execute the operation, the user must have access privilege to the long transaction. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionCheckpointsImp
 The IGetLongTransactionCheckpointsImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLongTransactionCheckpoints. The IGetLongTransactionCheckpoints interface defines the GetLongTransactionCheckpoints command, which allows the user to enumerate the checkpoints for a given long transaction. To execute the operation, the user must have access privilege to the long transaction. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionPrivileges
 The IGetLongTransactionPrivileges interface defines the GetLongTransactionPrivileges command, which allows the user to enumerate the privileges of a long transaction established for each user. The ability to successfully execute the command might be restricted by the datastore security if the long transaction doesn’t belong to the user executing the command. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionPrivilegesImp
 The IGetLongTransactionPrivilegesImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLongTransactionPrivileges. The IGetLongTransactionPrivileges interface defines the GetLongTransactionPrivileges command, which allows the user to enumerate the privileges of a long transaction established for each user. The ability to successfully execute the command might be restricted by the datastore security if the long transaction doesn’t belong to the user executing the command. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactions
 The IGetLongTransactions interface defines the GetLongTransactions command. It allows a user to retrieve long transaction information for all or a specific long transaction. The command returns a ILongTransactionReader object enumerating the identified long transactions. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionsImp
 The IGetLongTransactionsImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLongTransactions. The IGetLongTransactions interface defines the GetLongTransactions command. It allows a user to retrieve long transaction information for all or a specific long transaction. The command returns a ILongTransactionReader object enumerating the identified long transactions. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionsInSet
 The IGetLongTransactionsInSet interface defines the GetLongTransactionsInSet command, which allows the user to enumerate the list of versions participating in the long transaction selection set. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionsInSetImp
 The IGetLongTransactionsInSetImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLongTransactionsInSet. The IGetLongTransactionsInSet interface defines the GetLongTransactionsInSet command, which allows the user to enumerate the list of versions participating in the long transaction selection set. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionCheckpointReader
 The ILongTransactionCheckpointReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transaction checkpoints. A reference to an ILongTransactionCheckpointReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionCheckpoints command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionCheckpointReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionCheckpointReaderImp
 The ILongTransactionCheckpointReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILongTransactionCheckpointReader. The ILongTransactionCheckpointReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transaction checkpoints. A reference to an ILongTransactionCheckpointReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionCheckpoints command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionCheckpointReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionConflictDirectiveEnumerator
 The ILongTransactionConflictDirective interface is used to specify how conflict should be resolved for a particular object. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionConflictDirectiveEnumeratorImp
 The ILongTransactionConflictDirectiveEnumeratorImp class is a concrete implementation of ILongTransactionConflictDirectiveEnumerator. The ILongTransactionConflictDirective interface is used to specify how conflict should be resolved for a particular object. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader
 The ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transaction privileges. A reference to an FdoILongTransactionPrivilegeReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionPrivileges command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionPrivilegeReaderImp
 The ILongTransactionPrivilegeReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader. The ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transaction privileges. A reference to an FdoILongTransactionPrivilegeReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionPrivileges command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionReader
 The ILongTransactionReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transactions. A reference to an ILongTransactionReader is returned from the GetLongTransactions command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionReaderImp
 The ILongTransactionReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILongTransactionReader. The ILongTransactionReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transactions. A reference to an ILongTransactionReader is returned from the GetLongTransactions command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionSetReader
 The ILongTransactionSetReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating the versions in the long transaction selection set. A reference to an ILongTransactionSetReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionsInSet command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionSetReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionSetReaderImp
 The ILongTransactionSetReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILongTransactionSetReader. The ILongTransactionSetReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating the versions in the long transaction selection set. A reference to an ILongTransactionSetReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionsInSet command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionSetReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IRollbackLongTransaction
 The IRollbackLongTransaction interface defines the RollbackLongTransaction command, which allows a user to execute rollback operations on a long transaction. Two different rollback operations are distinguished: full and partial. More...
interface  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint
 The IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the RollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint command, which allows the user to roll back changes to a named checkpoint for the given long transaction. The user requires the access privilege on the long transaction for which the user tries to perform the operation. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpointImp
 The IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpointImp class is a concrete implementation of IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint. The IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the RollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint command, which allows the user to roll back changes to a named checkpoint for the given long transaction. The user requires the access privilege on the long transaction for which the user tries to perform the operation. More...
class  OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IRollbackLongTransactionImp
 The IRollbackLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of IRollbackLongTransaction. The IRollbackLongTransaction interface defines the RollbackLongTransaction command, which allows a user to execute rollback operations on a long transaction. Two different rollback operations are distinguished: full and partial. More...


enum  LongTransactionConflictResolution {
  LongTransactionConflictResolution_Unresolved = FdoLongTransactionConflictResolution_Unresolved,
  LongTransactionConflictResolution_Child = FdoLongTransactionConflictResolution_Child,
  LongTransactionConflictResolution_Parent = FdoLongTransactionConflictResolution_Parent
 The LongTransactionConflictResolution enumeration defines the list of available options for resolving conflict. More...
enum  LongTransactionFreezeOperations {
  LongTransactionFreezeOperations_Freeze = FdoLongTransactionFreezeOperations_Freeze,
  LongTransactionFreezeOperations_Thaw = FdoLongTransactionFreezeOperations_Thaw
 The LongTransactionFreezeOperations enumeration defines the list of available operations that can be performed by the FreezeLongTransaction command. More...
enum  LongTransactionPrivilegeOperations {
  LongTransactionPrivilegeOperations_Grant = FdoLongTransactionPrivilegeOperations_Grant,
  LongTransactionPrivilegeOperations_Revoke = FdoLongTransactionPrivilegeOperations_Revoke
 The LongTransactionPrivilegeOperations enumeration defines the list of available operations that can be performed by the ChangeLongTransactionPrivileges command. More...
enum  LongTransactionPrivileges {
  LongTransactionPrivileges_Access = FdoLongTransactionPrivileges_Access,
  LongTransactionPrivileges_Create = FdoLongTransactionPrivileges_Create,
  LongTransactionPrivileges_Commit = FdoLongTransactionPrivileges_Commit,
  LongTransactionPrivileges_Rollback = FdoLongTransactionPrivileges_Rollback,
  LongTransactionPrivileges_Remove = FdoLongTransactionPrivileges_Remove,
  LongTransactionPrivileges_Freeze = FdoLongTransactionPrivileges_Freeze
 The LongTransactionPrivileges enumeration defines the long transaction privilege flags. More...
enum  LongTransactionSetOperations {
  LongTransactionSetOperations_Add = FdoLongTransactionSetOperations_Add,
  LongTransactionSetOperations_Remove = FdoLongTransactionSetOperations_Remove,
  LongTransactionSetOperations_Clear = FdoLongTransactionSetOperations_Clear
 The LongTransactionSetOperations enumeration defines the list of available operations that can be performed by the ChangeLongTransactionSet command. More...

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