FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionPrivilegesImp Class Reference

Inherits OSGeo::FDO::Commands::ICommandImp, and OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionPrivileges.

Inheritance diagram for OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionPrivilegesImp:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The IGetLongTransactionPrivilegesImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLongTransactionPrivileges. The IGetLongTransactionPrivileges interface defines the GetLongTransactionPrivileges command, which allows the user to enumerate the privileges of a long transaction established for each user. The ability to successfully execute the command might be restricted by the datastore security if the long transaction doesn’t belong to the user executing the command.


Definition at line 38 of file mgIGetLongTransactionPrivilegesImp.h.

Public Member Functions

OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionPrivilegeReaderExecute ()
 Executes the GetLongTransactionPrivileges command, returning a reference to an ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader.
__property System::String * get_LongTransactionName ()
 Gets the name of the long transaction for which privileges should be enumerated.
__property System::Void set_LongTransactionName (System::String *value)
 Sets the name of the long transaction for which privileges should be enumerated.

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