FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoFgfGeometryFactory Class Reference

#include <Factory.h>

Inherits FdoGeometryFactoryAbstract.

Inheritance diagram for FdoFgfGeometryFactory:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoFgfGeometryFactory class is an FGF-based Geometry factory, a concrete class that implements all the members from FdoGeometryFactoryAbstract.

Definition at line 37 of file Factory.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoICircularArcSegmentCreateCircularArcSegment (FdoIDirectPosition *startPosition, FdoIDirectPosition *midPosition, FdoIDirectPosition *endPosition)
 CircularArcSegment Creates a CircularArcSegment object by copying from three points on the arc.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoICurvePolygonCreateCurvePolygon (FdoIRing *exteriorRing, FdoRingCollection *interiorRings)
 CurvePolygon Creates a CurvePolygon object by copying from given ring objects.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoICurveStringCreateCurveString (FdoCurveSegmentCollection *curveSegments)
 CurveString Creates a CurveString object by copying from a collection of CurveSegment objects.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIGeometryCreateGeometry (FdoIEnvelope *envelope)
 Creates a Geometry object by converting from an envelope.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIGeometryCreateGeometry (FdoString *text)
 Creates a Geometry object by converting from a text string.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIGeometryCreateGeometry (FdoIGeometry *geometry)
 Creates a Geometry object by copying from another Geometry.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIGeometryCreateGeometryFromFgf (const FdoByte *byteArray, FdoInt32 count)
 Creates a Geometry from FGF data.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIGeometryCreateGeometryFromFgf (FdoByteArray *byteArray)
 Creates a Geometry from FGF data.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIGeometryCreateGeometryFromWkb (FdoByteArray *byteArray)
 Creates an FGF-based Geometry from OpenGIS WKB data.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoILinearRingCreateLinearRing (FdoInt32 dimensionality, FdoInt32 numOrdinates, double *ordinates)
 Creates a LinearRing object by copying from an array of ordinates.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoILinearRingCreateLinearRing (FdoDirectPositionCollection *positions)
 LinearRing Creates a LinearRing object by copying from a collection of positions.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoILineStringCreateLineString (FdoInt32 dimensionType, FdoInt32 numOrdinates, double *ordinates)
 Creates a LineString object by copying from an array of ordinates.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoILineStringCreateLineString (FdoDirectPositionCollection *positions)
 Methods from FdoGeometryFactoryAbstract Creates a LineString object by copying from a collection of positions.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoILineStringSegmentCreateLineStringSegment (FdoInt32 dimtype, FdoInt32 numOrdinates, double *ordinates)
 Creates a LineStringSegment object by copying from an array of ordinates.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoILineStringSegmentCreateLineStringSegment (FdoDirectPositionCollection *positions)
 LineStringSegment Creates a LineStringSegment object by copying from a collection of positions.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIMultiCurvePolygonCreateMultiCurvePolygon (FdoCurvePolygonCollection *curvePolygons)
 MultiCurvePolygon Creates a MultiCurvePolygon object by copying from a collection of CurvePolygon objects.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIMultiCurveStringCreateMultiCurveString (FdoCurveStringCollection *curveStrings)
 MultiCurveString Creates a MultiCurveString object by copying from a collection of CurveString objects.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIMultiGeometryCreateMultiGeometry (FdoGeometryCollection *geometries)
 MultiGeometry Creates a MultiGeometry object by copying from a collection of Geometry objects.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIMultiLineStringCreateMultiLineString (FdoLineStringCollection *lineStrings)
 MultiLineString Creates a MultiLineString object by copying from a collection of LineString objects.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIMultiPointCreateMultiPoint (FdoInt32 dimensionality, FdoInt32 numOrdinates, double *ordinates)
 Creates a MultiPoint object by copying from an array of ordinates.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIMultiPointCreateMultiPoint (FdoPointCollection *points)
 MultiPoint Creates a MultiPoint object by copying from a collection of point objects.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIMultiPolygonCreateMultiPolygon (FdoPolygonCollection *polygons)
 Creates a MultiPolygon object by copying from a collection of polygon objects.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIPointCreatePoint (FdoInt32 dimensionality, double *ordinates)
 Creates an point object by copying from an array of ordinates.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIPointCreatePoint (FdoIDirectPosition *position)
 Point Creates a point object by copying from a position.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIPolygonCreatePolygon (FdoILinearRing *exteriorRing, FdoLinearRingCollection *interiorRings)
 Polygon Creates a polygon object by copying from given LinearRing objects.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIRingCreateRing (FdoCurveSegmentCollection *curveSegments)
 Ring Creates a ring object by copying from a collection of CurveSegment objects.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoByteArrayGetByteArray ()
 Get an empty (possibly pooled) byte array.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoByteArrayGetFgf (FdoIGeometry *geometry)
 Gets FGF data from a Geometry.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoByteArrayGetWkb (FdoIGeometry *geometry)
 Gets OpenGIS WKB data from a Geometry.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API void TakeReleasedByteArray (FdoByteArray *byteArray)
 Pool this array, released from some geometry.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDO_GEOM_API FdoFgfGeometryFactoryGetInstance ()
 Acquires an object of this class.
static FDO_GEOM_API FdoFgfGeometryFactoryGetPrivateInstance (FdoInt32 numGeometries, FdoInt32 numPositions, FdoInt32 numEnvelopes, FdoInt32 numCurveSegments, FdoInt32 numRings)
 Instantiates an object of this class.

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