FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects
static FDO_API FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags* FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags::Create ( FdoString url = L"fdo.osgeo.org/schemas/feature",
ErrorLevel  errorLevel = ErrorLevel_Normal,
FdoBoolean  nameAdjust = true,
ConflictOption  conflictOption = ConflictOption_Add,
FdoBoolean  includeDefault = false 
) [static]

Constructs an FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags object.

url Base URL for generating well-known references to GML coordinate systems and transformations
errorLevel Input The error level for reading spatial contexts. Controls how strict the error reporting is.
nameAdjust Input true: apply name adjustment to all elements. false: apply name adjustment only to elements with fdo:nameAdjust="true"
conflictOption Input option for Deserializing Spatial Contexts. Specified how Spatial Contexts, already in the FDO connection, are handled.
includeDefault Input true: When Serializing Spatial Contexts, serialize all contexts including the default. false: skip the default Spatial Context.
Returns FdoXmlSpatialContextFlags

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