FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoClassDefinition Class Reference

#include <ClassDefinition.h>

Inherits FdoSchemaElement.

Inherited by FdoClass, FdoFeatureClass, FdoNetworkClass, FdoNetworkLayerClass, and FdoTopology.

Inheritance diagram for FdoClassDefinition:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

FdoClassDefinition is an abstract class that derives from FdoSchemaElement. FdoClassDefinition is a base class for all concrete class types (e.g., FdoClass, FdoFeatureClass) in the Schema package.

Definition at line 43 of file ClassDefinition.h.

Public Member Functions

FDO_API FdoClassDefinitionGetBaseClass ()
 Gets the base FdoClassDefinition this class is derived from.
FDO_API FdoReadOnlyDataPropertyDefinitionCollectionGetBaseIdentityProperties ()
 Returns an FdoReadOnlyDataPropertyDefinitionCollection containing the identity properties for the base class.
FDO_API FdoReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCollectionGetBaseProperties ()
 Returns an FdoReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCollection containing the properties defined by base classes or by the concrete class type, itself. This collection is only populated when the FdoClassDefinition is returned by the DescribeSchema command.
FDO_API FdoClassCapabilitiesGetCapabilities ()
 Gets the class-specific capabilities for this class.
virtual FDO_API FdoClassType GetClassType ()
 This is an abstract operation that must be implemented by derived classes to return the concrete class type.
FDO_API FdoDataPropertyDefinitionCollectionGetIdentityProperties ()
 Returns an FdoDataPropertyDefinitionCollection containing references to the data properties that can be used to uniquely identify instances of the class. The contained properties must already be defined in either the properties or baseProperties collection. If GetBaseClass() returns non null then this collection must be empty.
FDO_API bool GetIsAbstract ()
 Gets the abstraction state of the FdoClassDefinition. Classes marked as abstract cannot be created via FDO commands and cannot be used as properties of another class.
FDO_API bool GetIsComputed ()
 Gets the computed state of the FdoClassDefinition. Computed classes cannot be made persistent or added to FDO schema. The computed classes are used as a transient classes that can be returned by a feature or data reader. They describe the result of a select expression, select function and select distinct.
FDO_API FdoPropertyDefinitionCollectionGetProperties ()
 Returns an FdoPropertyCollection containing the FdoDataProperties, FdoClassProperties, and FdoGeometricProperties defined for this class.
virtual FDO_API FdoStringP GetQualifiedName ()
 Gets the fully qualified name of this class.
FDO_API FdoUniqueConstraintCollectionGetUniqueConstraints ()
 Gets a FdoUniqueConstraintCollection containing all unique constraints applied to properties of this class. The contained properties must already be defined in either the properties or baseProperties collections.
FDO_API void SetBaseClass (FdoClassDefinition *value)
 Sets the base FdoClassDefinition this class is derived from.
FDO_API void SetBaseProperties (FdoPropertyDefinitionCollection *value)
 Sets the base properties of this class. All elements of the input collection must also be properties of the class.
FDO_API void SetCapabilities (FdoClassCapabilities *capabilities)
 Sets the class-specific capabilities for this class. This function must only be called by an FDO Provider. It would be typically called by the DescribeSchema command implementation.
FDO_API void SetIsAbstract (bool value)
 Sets the abstraction state of the FdoClassDefinition. Classes marked as abstract cannot be created via FDO commands and cannot be used as properties of another class.
FDO_API void SetIsComputed (bool value)
 Sets the computed state of the FdoClassDefinition. This is an internal method that can only be called by providers. Application should not use this method.


class FdoObjectPropertyDefinition
class FdoRelation
class FdoRelationEnd
class FdoSchemaCollection

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