FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects
static FDO_API FdoXmlFlags* FdoXmlFlags::Create ( FdoString url = L"fdo.osgeo.org/schemas/feature",
ErrorLevel  errorLevel = ErrorLevel_Normal,
FdoBoolean  nameAdjust = true 
) [static]

Constructs an FdoXmlFlags object.

url Input When writing Feature Schemas, this specifies the prefix for the target namespace for any schemas that are written. The XML format for Feature Schemas is OGC GML, so a targetNamespace for the xs:schema element is required. This namespace will be http://[url]/[schema_name].
errorLevel Input The error level for reading feature schemas.
nameAdjust Input true: apply name adjustment to all elements. false: apply name adjustment only to elements with fdo:nameAdjust="true"
Returns FdoXmlFlags

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