FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoPhysicalElementMapping Class Reference

#include <PhysicalElementMapping.h>

Inherits FdoIDisposable, and FdoXmlSaxHandler.

Inherited by FdoPhysicalClassMapping, FdoPhysicalPropertyMapping, FdoPhysicalSchemaMapping, and FdoXmlElementMapping.

Inheritance diagram for FdoPhysicalElementMapping:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

FdoPhysicalElementMapping is an abstract class that acts as a base class for all Physical Schema Mapping Override classes. FDO also provides a number of sub-classes for particular types of Provider-specific override classes:.

Other types of schema override classes can be based directly on FdoPhysicalElementMapping.

Definition at line 46 of file PhysicalElementMapping.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual FDO_API void _writeXml (FdoXmlWriter *xmlWriter, const FdoXmlFlags *flags)
 Writes this Physical Mapping Element to XML. Called when the element is serialized to XML. Can be extended to handle particular XML attributes and sub-elements for derived classes.
virtual FDO_API FdoStringGetName ()
 Gets the name of this element.
virtual FDO_API FdoPhysicalElementMappingGetParent ()
 Gets the parent of this FdoPhysicalElementMapping or null if this object has not been added to a parent object.
virtual FDO_API FdoStringP GetQualifiedName ()
 Gets the fully qualified name of this element.
virtual FDO_API FdoPhysicalSchemaMappingGetSchemaMapping ()
 Gets the FdoPhysicalSchemaMapping that this element is a part of. Returns null if this object has not been added to a feature schema.
virtual FDO_API void InitFromXml (FdoXmlSaxContext *pContext, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *attrs)
 Functions for XML support Initializes this Physical Element Mapping from its XML attributes. Called when the element is deserialized from XML. Can be extended to handle particular XML attributes for derived classes.
virtual FDO_API void SetName (FdoString *value)
 Sets the name of this element.

Protected Member Functions

FDO_API FdoPhysicalElementMapping (FdoString *name)
 Constructs an instance of an FdoPhysicalElementMapping using the specified arguments.
FDO_API FdoPhysicalElementMapping ()
 Constructs a default instance of an FdoPhysicalElementMapping.
FDO_API void SetParent (FdoPhysicalElementMapping *value)
 Sets the parent of this Physical Element Mapping.
virtual FDO_API ~FdoPhysicalElementMapping ()
 FdoPhysicalElementMapping destructor.


class FdoPhysicalElementMappingCollection

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