FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoIoTextWriter Class Reference

#include <TextWriter.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

FdoIoTextWriter writes Unicode wide character text to a binary stream. The text is written in UTF8 format.

Definition at line 27 of file TextWriter.h.

Public Member Functions

FDO_API_COMMON FdoIoStreamGetStream ()
 Gets the underlying stream. If a stream was passed to this object then this stream is returned. Otherwise, an auto-generated stream (wrapped around the file name that was passed to this object) is returned.
FDO_API_COMMON void Write (FdoString *string)
 Writes to this text writer. The text is written in UTF8 format.
FDO_API_COMMON void WriteLine (FdoString *string)
 Same as Write(), except that a carriage return (n) is appended to the text.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDO_API_COMMON FdoIoTextWriterCreate (FdoIoStream *stream)
 Constructs a text writer on a stream.
static FDO_API_COMMON FdoIoTextWriterCreate (FdoString *fileName)
 Constructs a text writer on a file.

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