FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

The RasterDataModelType enumeration specifies the type of data within each pixel. In all cases the data is 'packed', that is, adjacent pixels are contiguous in memory with no unused bits between them, except at the end of a row, where the row is padded to a byte boundary. For example, four bit grayscale data (BitsPerPixel=4) would be packed two pixels to a byte, and a row would be padded with four bits if the image width was odd. Tri-colour or four channel data is also organized adjacently in memory, with no intervening padding except at the ends of rows. For example, eight bit RGB (BitsPerPixel=24) occupies three bytes per pixel, and would never need padding at the end of a row. Multiband data (i.e. RGB) has the same number of bits allocated to each band, so for example RGBT data with eight bits for red, would also have eight bits for each of the three other bands totaling thirty-two bits (BitsPerPixel=32).


RasterDataModelType_Unknown  Data is organized in an unknown or provider specific manner.
RasterDataModelType_Data  Data is rectangular grid, floating point data model.
RasterDataModelType_Bitonal  Data is one bit (black/white - bitonal) pixels.
RasterDataModelType_Gray  Data is monochrome (black->gray->white) pixels. It is necessary to know the BitsPerPixel value to interpret the data.
RasterDataModelType_RGB  Data is red/green/blue (in that order) pixels. It is necessary to know the BitsPerPixel value to interpret the data.
RasterDataModelType_RGBA  Data is red/green/blue/alpha (in that order) pixels; RGB with transparency. It is necessary to know the BitsPerPixel value to interpret the data.
RasterDataModelType_Palette  Data is monochrome but backed by a pallette (value->pallette->colour) pixels. It is necessary to know the BitsPerPixel value to interpret the data.

Definition at line 41 of file mgRasterDataModelType.h.

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