FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects
System::String* OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlWriter::UriToQName ( System::String *  location,
System::String *  localName,
System::Boolean  isElement 

Given an element's or attribute's globally unique name ( uri and local name ), this function returns its fully qualified name as per the XML document being written, or the unqualified name if the uri is the default namespace. This is done by searching for the current namespace declaration that references the uri.

If a matching default namespace declaration ( "xmlns=<uri>" ) was found and the name is for an element then the localName is returned.
According to the XML 1.0 specification, default namespaces do not apply to attribute names, so the default namespace is ignored when the given name is not for an element.
Otherwise, if a matching namespace declaration was found then "[namespace]:[localName]" is returned.
Otherwise, L"" is returned (unable to determine qualified name).
location Input the URI corresponding to an element.
localName Input the local name corresponding to an element.
isElement Input a boolean flag indicating that the URI corresponds to an element.
Returns the fully qualified name corresponding to the uri.

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