FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects
static OSGeo ::FDO ::Geometry ::IGeometry* OSGeo::FDO::Spatial::SpatialUtility::ApproximateGeometryWithLineStrings ( OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometry geometry,
System::Double  maxSpacing,
System::Double  maxOffset,
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::GeometryFactoryAbstract geometryFactory 
) [static]

Approximates a geometry, which may contain parametric curve components, with a geometry that only contains straight, linear components.

If the given geometry does not require approximation, this method returns the input geometry, and thus avoids unnecessary object creation. Tolerances are in same units as the geometry's ordinates. If the given tolerances are both zero, a tesselated geometry is produced, wherein arcs are represented using only their three defining positions. Math performed is all in implicit Cartesian (rectilinear) coordinate system. Measurement ("M") ordinates of interpolated positions undergo linear interpolation from an arc's start position to end position (possibly disregarding an "M" ordinate in the arc's mid position). Unless the arc is too short for any interpolation, the "mid" point parameter used to define arcs is not guaranteed to appear among interpolated points.
geometry Input Geometry to approximate
maxSpacing Input Maximum length of each line segment used to approximate parametric curves. Ignored if zero.
maxOffset Input Maximum distance that a line segment may be from the curve that it approximates (error tolerance). Ignored if zero.
geometryFactory Input Geometry factory for the creation of the approximated geometry.
Returns An approximation of the given geometry.

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