BinMemInputStream Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for BinMemInputStream:

BinInputStream XMemory

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  BufOpts { BufOpt_Adopt, BufOpt_Copy, BufOpt_Reference }

Public Member Functions

 BinMemInputStream (const XMLByte *const initData, const XMLSize_t capacity, const BufOpts bufOpt=BufOpt_Copy, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
virtual ~BinMemInputStream ()
void reset ()
virtual XMLFilePos curPos () const
virtual XMLSize_t readBytes (XMLByte *const toFill, const XMLSize_t maxToRead)
virtual const XMLChgetContentType () const
 Return the "out-of-band" content type for the data supplied by this input stream in the form of the media-type production (mime type with optional parameters such as encoding) as defined by the HTTP 1.1 specification.
XMLSize_t getSize () const

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BinMemInputStream::BinMemInputStream ( const XMLByte *const   initData,
const XMLSize_t  capacity,
const BufOpts  bufOpt = BufOpt_Copy,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 

virtual BinMemInputStream::~BinMemInputStream (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void BinMemInputStream::reset (  ) 

XMLFilePos BinMemInputStream::curPos (  )  const [virtual]

Implements BinInputStream.

virtual XMLSize_t BinMemInputStream::readBytes ( XMLByte *const   toFill,
const XMLSize_t  maxToRead 
) [virtual]

Implements BinInputStream.

virtual const XMLCh* BinMemInputStream::getContentType (  )  const [virtual]

Return the "out-of-band" content type for the data supplied by this input stream in the form of the media-type production (mime type with optional parameters such as encoding) as defined by the HTTP 1.1 specification.

If no such content type is provided for the data, 0 is returned. This function is expected to return the correct value at any time after the construction of the stream.

An example of the stream that may return non-0 from this function is an HTTP stream with the value returned taken from the "Content-Type" HTTP header. Note also that if the encoding of the data is known to the application by some other means then the setEncoding function in the InputSource object should be used instead. The getContentType function should only be used to return information that is intrinsic to the stream.

The content type, or 0 if one is not available.

Implements BinInputStream.

XMLSize_t BinMemInputStream::getSize (  )  const

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