DOMLocator Class Reference

DOMLocator is an interface that describes a location. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~DOMLocator ()
Functions introduced in DOM Level 3
virtual XMLFileLoc getLineNumber () const =0
 Get the line number where the error occured, or 0 if there is no line number available.
virtual XMLFileLoc getColumnNumber () const =0
 Get the column number where the error occured, or 0 if there is no column number available.
virtual XMLFilePos getByteOffset () const =0
 Get the byte offset into the input source, or ~(XMLFilePos(0)) if there is no byte offset available.
virtual XMLFilePos getUtf16Offset () const =0
 Get the UTF-16 offset into the input source, or ~(XMLFilePos(0)) if there is no UTF-16 offset available.
virtual DOMNodegetRelatedNode () const =0
 Get the DOMNode where the error occured, or null if there is no node available.
virtual const XMLChgetURI () const =0
 Get the URI where the error occured, or null if there is no URI available.

Protected Member Functions

Hidden constructors
 DOMLocator ()

Detailed Description

DOMLocator is an interface that describes a location.

(e.g. where an error occured).

See also:
DOM Level 3

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DOMLocator::DOMLocator (  )  [protected]

virtual DOMLocator::~DOMLocator (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual XMLFileLoc DOMLocator::getLineNumber (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the line number where the error occured, or 0 if there is no line number available.

DOM Level 3

virtual XMLFileLoc DOMLocator::getColumnNumber (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the column number where the error occured, or 0 if there is no column number available.

DOM Level 3

virtual XMLFilePos DOMLocator::getByteOffset (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the byte offset into the input source, or ~(XMLFilePos(0)) if there is no byte offset available.

DOM Level 3

virtual XMLFilePos DOMLocator::getUtf16Offset (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the UTF-16 offset into the input source, or ~(XMLFilePos(0)) if there is no UTF-16 offset available.

DOM Level 3

virtual DOMNode* DOMLocator::getRelatedNode (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the DOMNode where the error occured, or null if there is no node available.

DOM Level 3

virtual const XMLCh* DOMLocator::getURI (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the URI where the error occured, or null if there is no URI available.

DOM Level 3

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Generated on Fri Jan 29 15:30:48 2010 for Xerces-C++ by  doxygen 1.5.6