HexBin Class Reference

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static int getDataLength (const XMLCh *const hexData)
 return the length of hexData in terms of HexBinary.
static bool isArrayByteHex (const XMLCh *const hexData)
 check an array of data against the Hex table.
static XMLChgetCanonicalRepresentation (const XMLCh *const hexData, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 get canonical representation
static XMLBytedecodeToXMLByte (const XMLCh *const hexData, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Decodes HexBinary data into XMLByte.

Member Function Documentation

static int HexBin::getDataLength ( const XMLCh *const   hexData  )  [static]

return the length of hexData in terms of HexBinary.

hexData A string containing the HexBinary
return: -1 if it contains any invalid HexBinary the length of the HexNumber otherwise.

static bool HexBin::isArrayByteHex ( const XMLCh *const   hexData  )  [static]

check an array of data against the Hex table.

hexData A string containing the HexBinary
return: false if it contains any invalid HexBinary true otherwise.

static XMLCh* HexBin::getCanonicalRepresentation ( const XMLCh *const   hexData,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

get canonical representation

Caller is responsible for the proper deallcation of the string returned.

hexData A string containing the HexBinary
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate the string
return: the canonical representation of the HexBinary if it is a valid HexBinary, 0 otherwise

static XMLByte* HexBin::decodeToXMLByte ( const XMLCh *const   hexData,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Decodes HexBinary data into XMLByte.

NOTE: The returned buffer is dynamically allocated and is the responsibility of the caller to delete it when not longer needed. Use the memory manager to release the returned buffer.

hexData HexBinary data in XMLCh stream.
manager client provided memory manager
Decoded binary data in XMLByte stream, or NULL if input data can not be decoded.

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