XMLGrammarPool Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for XMLGrammarPool:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void serializeGrammars (BinOutputStream *const)=0
 serialization and deserialization support
virtual void deserializeGrammars (BinInputStream *const)=0
void setIgnoreSerializedAnnotations (const bool flag)
bool getIgnoreSerializedAnnotations () const
Virtual destructor for derived classes
virtual ~XMLGrammarPool ()
 virtual destructor
The Grammar Pool Interface
virtual bool cacheGrammar (Grammar *const gramToCache)=0
virtual Grammar * retrieveGrammar (XMLGrammarDescription *const gramDesc)=0
virtual Grammar * orphanGrammar (const XMLCh *const nameSpaceKey)=0
< Grammar > 
getGrammarEnumerator () const =0
 Get an enumeration of the cached Grammars in the Grammar pool.
virtual bool clear ()=0
virtual void lockPool ()=0
virtual void unlockPool ()=0
Factory interface
virtual DTDGrammar * createDTDGrammar ()=0
virtual SchemaGrammar * createSchemaGrammar ()=0
virtual XMLDTDDescriptioncreateDTDDescription (const XMLCh *const systemId)=0
virtual XMLSchemaDescriptioncreateSchemaDescription (const XMLCh *const targetNamespace)=0
schema component model support
virtual XSModelgetXSModel (bool &XSModelWasChanged)=0
MemoryManagergetMemoryManager ()
virtual XMLStringPool * getURIStringPool ()=0
 Return an XMLStringPool for use by validation routines.

Protected Member Functions

 XMLGrammarPool (MemoryManager *const memMgr=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Hidden Constructors.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual XMLGrammarPool::~XMLGrammarPool (  )  [virtual]

virtual destructor

XMLGrammarPool::XMLGrammarPool ( MemoryManager *const   memMgr = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager  )  [protected]

Hidden Constructors.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool XMLGrammarPool::cacheGrammar ( Grammar *const   gramToCache  )  [pure virtual]


Provide the grammar pool with an opportunity to cache the given grammar. If the pool does not choose to do so, it should return false; otherwise, it should return true, so that the caller knows whether the grammar has been adopted.

gramToCache the Grammar to be cached in the grammar pool
true if the grammar pool has elected to cache the grammar (in which case it is assumed to have adopted it); false if it does not cache it

virtual Grammar* XMLGrammarPool::retrieveGrammar ( XMLGrammarDescription *const   gramDesc  )  [pure virtual]


gramDesc the Grammar Description used to search for grammar cached in the grammar pool

virtual Grammar* XMLGrammarPool::orphanGrammar ( const XMLCh *const   nameSpaceKey  )  [pure virtual]


grammar removed from the grammar pool and owned by the caller

nameSpaceKey Key used to search for grammar in the grammar pool
the grammar that was removed from the pool (0 if none)

virtual RefHashTableOfEnumerator<Grammar> XMLGrammarPool::getGrammarEnumerator (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get an enumeration of the cached Grammars in the Grammar pool.

enumeration of the cached Grammars in Grammar pool

virtual bool XMLGrammarPool::clear (  )  [pure virtual]


all grammars are removed from the grammar pool and deleted.

true if the grammar pool was cleared. false if it did not.

virtual void XMLGrammarPool::lockPool (  )  [pure virtual]


When this method is called by the application, the grammar pool should stop adding new grammars to the cache. This should result in the grammar pool being sharable among parsers operating in different threads.

virtual void XMLGrammarPool::unlockPool (  )  [pure virtual]


After this method has been called, the grammar pool implementation should return to its default behaviour when cacheGrammars(...) is called. One effect, depending on the underlying implementation, is that the grammar pool may no longer be thread-safe (even on read operations).

For PSVI support any previous XSModel that was produced will be deleted.

virtual DTDGrammar* XMLGrammarPool::createDTDGrammar (  )  [pure virtual]


virtual SchemaGrammar* XMLGrammarPool::createSchemaGrammar (  )  [pure virtual]


virtual XMLDTDDescription* XMLGrammarPool::createDTDDescription ( const XMLCh *const   systemId  )  [pure virtual]


virtual XMLSchemaDescription* XMLGrammarPool::createSchemaDescription ( const XMLCh *const   targetNamespace  )  [pure virtual]


virtual XSModel* XMLGrammarPool::getXSModel ( bool &  XSModelWasChanged  )  [pure virtual]

MemoryManager* XMLGrammarPool::getMemoryManager (  ) 


virtual XMLStringPool* XMLGrammarPool::getURIStringPool (  )  [pure virtual]

Return an XMLStringPool for use by validation routines.

Implementations should not create a string pool on each call to this method, but should maintain one string pool for all grammars for which this pool is responsible.

virtual void XMLGrammarPool::serializeGrammars ( BinOutputStream const  )  [pure virtual]

serialization and deserialization support

virtual void XMLGrammarPool::deserializeGrammars ( BinInputStream const  )  [pure virtual]

void XMLGrammarPool::setIgnoreSerializedAnnotations ( const bool  flag  ) 

bool XMLGrammarPool::getIgnoreSerializedAnnotations (  )  const

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