XMLTranscoder Class Reference

XMLTranscoder is for transcoding non-local code page encodings, i.e. More...

Inheritance diagram for XMLTranscoder:


List of all members.

Public Types

enum  UnRepOpts { UnRep_Throw, UnRep_RepChar }
 This enum is used by the transcodeTo() method to indicate how to react to unrepresentable characters. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual ~XMLTranscoder ()
 Destructor for XMLTranscoder.
The virtual transcoding interface
virtual XMLSize_t transcodeFrom (const XMLByte *const srcData, const XMLSize_t srcCount, XMLCh *const toFill, const XMLSize_t maxChars, XMLSize_t &bytesEaten, unsigned char *const charSizes)=0
 Converts from the encoding of the service to the internal XMLCh* encoding.
virtual XMLSize_t transcodeTo (const XMLCh *const srcData, const XMLSize_t srcCount, XMLByte *const toFill, const XMLSize_t maxBytes, XMLSize_t &charsEaten, const UnRepOpts options)=0
 Converts from the internal XMLCh* encoding to the encoding of the service.
virtual bool canTranscodeTo (const unsigned int toCheck)=0
 Query whether the transcoder can handle a given character.
Getter methods
XMLSize_t getBlockSize () const
 Get the internal block size.
const XMLChgetEncodingName () const
 Get the encoding name.
Getter methods
MemoryManagergetMemoryManager () const
 Get the plugged-in memory manager.

Protected Member Functions

 XMLTranscoder (const XMLCh *const encodingName, const XMLSize_t blockSize, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)

Detailed Description

XMLTranscoder is for transcoding non-local code page encodings, i.e.

named encodings. These are used internally by the scanner to internalize raw XML into the internal Unicode format, and by writer classes to convert that internal Unicode format (which comes out of the parser) back out to a format that the receiving client code wants to use.

Member Enumeration Documentation

This enum is used by the transcodeTo() method to indicate how to react to unrepresentable characters.

The transcodeFrom() method always works the same. It will consider any invalid data to be an error and throw.

UnRep_Throw  Throw an exception.
UnRep_RepChar  Use the replacement char.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual XMLTranscoder::~XMLTranscoder (  )  [virtual]

Destructor for XMLTranscoder.

XMLTranscoder::XMLTranscoder ( const XMLCh *const   encodingName,
const XMLSize_t  blockSize,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [protected]

Member Function Documentation

virtual XMLSize_t XMLTranscoder::transcodeFrom ( const XMLByte *const   srcData,
const XMLSize_t  srcCount,
XMLCh *const   toFill,
const XMLSize_t  maxChars,
XMLSize_t bytesEaten,
unsigned char *const   charSizes 
) [pure virtual]

Converts from the encoding of the service to the internal XMLCh* encoding.

srcData the source buffer to be transcoded
srcCount number of bytes in the source buffer
toFill the destination buffer
maxChars the max number of characters in the destination buffer
bytesEaten after transcoding, this will hold the number of bytes that were processed from the source buffer
charSizes an array which must be at least as big as maxChars into which will be inserted values that indicate how many bytes from the input went into each XMLCh that was created into toFill. Since many encodings use variable numbers of byte per character, this provides a means to find out what bytes in the input went into making a particular output UTF-16 character.
Returns the number of chars put into the target buffer

virtual XMLSize_t XMLTranscoder::transcodeTo ( const XMLCh *const   srcData,
const XMLSize_t  srcCount,
XMLByte *const   toFill,
const XMLSize_t  maxBytes,
XMLSize_t charsEaten,
const UnRepOpts  options 
) [pure virtual]

Converts from the internal XMLCh* encoding to the encoding of the service.

srcData the source buffer to be transcoded
srcCount number of characters in the source buffer
toFill the destination buffer
maxBytes the max number of bytes in the destination buffer
charsEaten after transcoding, this will hold the number of chars that were processed from the source buffer
options options to pass to the transcoder that explain how to respond to an unrepresentable character
Returns the number of chars put into the target buffer

virtual bool XMLTranscoder::canTranscodeTo ( const unsigned int  toCheck  )  [pure virtual]

Query whether the transcoder can handle a given character.

toCheck the character code point to check

XMLSize_t XMLTranscoder::getBlockSize (  )  const

Get the internal block size.

The block size indicated in the constructor.

const XMLCh * XMLTranscoder::getEncodingName (  )  const

Get the encoding name.

the name of the encoding that this XMLTranscoder object is for

MemoryManager * XMLTranscoder::getMemoryManager (  )  const

Get the plugged-in memory manager.

This method returns the plugged-in memory manager user for dynamic memory allocation/deallocation.

the plugged-in memory manager

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Generated on Fri Jan 29 15:30:49 2010 for Xerces-C++ by  doxygen 1.5.6