FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

__property NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON::IStreamReaderImp* IRasterImp::get_StreamReader  ) 

Get the source of image data. Image data is shipped using a paradigm similar to BLOB I/O. When fetching a raster image the GetStreamReader() method provides a FdoIStreamReader from which the client may request the image data. The format of the image data expected is determined by the DataModel property. The data type, bit depth, tiling and organization specify the meaning of the image data. By setting the DataModel property prior to getting a reader for the data, the FDO client application can control the way data is retrieved from the FDO raster subsystem. When a tiled image is fetched, the image data will be tiled by default, unless a spatial query is used that covers a portion of a tile, in which case the image is converted to monolithic form prior to returning to the client. The client may force a monolithic image in the former case by setting the DataModel to monolithic prior to getting the stream reader. Or conversely it can request a re-tiling of the remaining sub-image by setting the DataModel property to tiled (in this case the tile origin is at the new upper left corner of the sub-image).

Note: Altering the DataModel may have significant performance issues.

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