FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

DirectPositionImpl Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The DirectPositionImpl class is a default implementation of IDirectPosition. DirectPositionImpl implements accessors from IDirectPosition, matching mutators, and simple data members. Assignment and exact equality operators are also provided.

Public Member Functions

 DirectPositionImpl (System::IntPtr unmanaged, System::Boolean autoDelete)
 DirectPositionImpl (NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::IDirectPosition *position)
 Constructs a copy of a DirectPositionImpl.
 DirectPositionImpl (DirectPositionImpl *position)
 Constructs a copy of a DirectPositionImpl.
 DirectPositionImpl (System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY, System::Double coordinateZ, System::Double coordinateM)
 Constructs a 4D DirectPositionImpl object from X, Y, Z and M ordinates.
 DirectPositionImpl (System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY, System::Double coordinateZ)
 Constructs a 3D DirectPositionImpl object from X, Y and Z ordinates.
 DirectPositionImpl (System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY)
 Constructs a 2D DirectPositionImpl object from X and Y ordinates.
 DirectPositionImpl ()
 Constructs a default instance of a DirectPositionImpl object.
System::Boolean Equals (System::Object *obj)
__property System::Int32 get_Dimensionality ()
 Gets the dimensionality of ordinates in this position.
__property System::Double get_M ()
 Gets the M ordinate.
__property System::Double get_X ()
 Gets the X ordinate.
__property System::Double get_Y ()
 Gets the Y ordinate.
__property System::Double get_Z ()
 Gets the Z ordinate.
System::Int32 GetHashCode ()
__property System::Void set_Dimensionality (System::Int32 value)
 Sets the dimensionality.
__property System::Void set_M (System::Double value)
 Sets the M ordinate.
__property System::Void set_X (System::Double value)
 Sets the X ordinate.
__property System::Void set_Y (System::Double value)
 Sets the Y ordinate.
__property System::Void set_Z (System::Double value)
 Sets the Z ordinate.

Static Public Member Functions

static System::Void op_Assign (DirectPositionImpl *left, IDirectPosition *right)
 Assignment operator for DirectPositionImpl from a IDirectPosition, using public methods.
static System::Void op_Assign (DirectPositionImpl *left, DirectPositionImpl *right)
 Assignment operator for DirectPositionImpl.
static System::Boolean op_Equality (DirectPositionImpl *left, DirectPositionImpl *right)
 Equality operator for DirectPositionImpl.
static System::Boolean op_Inequality (DirectPositionImpl *left, DirectPositionImpl *right)

Protected Member Functions

System::Void Dispose (System::Boolean disposing)

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