FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

Disposable Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class should be used as a base class for the managed classes we define in this project since we need to manage the lifetime of unmanaged C++ FDO classes. For more information on why this is necessary see "Implementing Finalize and Dispose to Clean Up Unmanaged Resources" in the .Net Framework Reference Help.

Public Member Functions

System::Void Attach (System::IntPtr unmanagedPointer, System::Boolean autoDelete)
System::Void Detach ()
System::Void Dispose ()
virtual System::Boolean Equals (System::Object *obj)
__property System::Boolean get_AutoDelete ()
__property System::Boolean get_Disposed ()
__property System::Int32 get_RefCount ()
__property System::IntPtr get_UnmanagedObject ()
System::Int32 GetHashCode ()
__property System::Void set_AutoDelete (System::Boolean value)

Static Public Member Functions

static System::Boolean op_Equality (Disposable *leftObject, Disposable *rightObject)
static System::Boolean op_Inequality (Disposable *leftObject, Disposable *rightObject)

Protected Member Functions

 Disposable (System::IntPtr unmanagedPointer, System::Boolean autoDelete)
 Disposable ()
virtual System::Void Dispose (System::Boolean disposing)
virtual ~Disposable ()

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