FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

IoByteStreamReader Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description


Public Member Functions

__property System::Int64 get_Index ()
 Gets the current stream position. Position is measured by number of items from the stream start.
__property System::Int64 get_Length ()
 Gets the stream length.
 IoByteStreamReader (System::IntPtr unmanaged, System::Boolean autoDelete)
 IoByteStreamReader (NAMESPACE_OSGEO_COMMON_IO::IoStream *stream)
 Creates a Byte Stream reader. Reads binary data from an IoStream.
System::Int32 ReadNext (System::Byte buffer[], System::Int32 offset, System::Int32 count)
System::Int32 ReadNext (System::Byte buffer[], System::Int32 offset)
System::Int32 ReadNext (System::Byte buffer[])
 Reads in the next block of items. Use ReadNext( buffer) to read in the entire stream. The caller is responsible to allocate a buffer large enough to store data.
System::Void Reset ()
 Reset the current index to the stream start. Allows re-reading.
System::Void Skip (System::Int32 offset)
 Skips a number of items.

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