FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoXmlSaxContext Class Reference

#include <SaxContext.h>

Inherits FdoDisposable.

Inherited by FdoXmlContext, and FdoXmlFeatureContext.

Inheritance diagram for FdoXmlSaxContext:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

FdoXmlSaxContext provides contextual information to the FdoMathUtility callback implementations when an XML document parse is in progress. This class provides very rudimentary functionality such as error reporting and access to the FdoXmlReader doing the parse. Applications can pass extra information by sub-classing from this class.

Definition at line 32 of file SaxContext.h.

Public Member Functions

FDO_API_COMMON void AddError (FdoException *ex)
 Adds an error to the error list.
FDO_API_COMMON FdoXmlReaderGetReader ()
 Gets the FdoXmlReader that is parsing the XML document.
FDO_API_COMMON void ThrowErrors ()
 Throws all errors in the error list. The errors are thrown as a chain. The first error is one thrown. The second error is set to be the cause of the first error, the third the cause of the second and so on.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDO_API_COMMON FdoXmlSaxContextCreate (FdoXmlReader *reader)
 Constructs the default Sax Context.

Protected Member Functions

FDO_API_COMMON FdoXmlSaxContext (FdoXmlReader *reader)
FDO_API_COMMON FdoXmlSaxContext ()
 Default constructor to keep g++ from complaining.
virtual FDO_API_COMMON ~FdoXmlSaxContext ()


class  Errors
 Error Collection definition.

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