FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoStack< OBJ, EXC > Class Template Reference

#include <Stack.h>

Inherits FdoCollection< OBJ, EXC >< OBJ, EXC >.

Inheritance diagram for FdoStack< OBJ, EXC >:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<class OBJ, class EXC>
class FdoStack< OBJ, EXC >

FdoStack is an abstract template for a Stack ADT. This class is not yet part of the FDOCommon API. However, doc comments have been added since it might be added to the API in the future. All doc comments will need to change to if this happens.


Definition at line 32 of file Stack.h.

Public Member Functions

FDO_API_COMMON FdoInt32 AddRef ()
 Increase the reference count.
virtual void Clear ()
 Removes all items from the stack.
virtual FdoBoolean IsEmpty () const
 Checks if the stack is empty.
virtual OBJ * Peek (void) const
 Gets the top item on the stack without popping it.
virtual OBJ * Pop (void)
 Pops the top item off the stack. The previous top item becomes the top item. An exception is thrown if the stack is empty.
virtual void Push (OBJ *value)
 Pushes the given item onto the stack.
FDO_API_COMMON FdoInt32 Release ()
 Decrease the reference count.

Protected Member Functions

virtual FDO_API_COMMON OBJ * Peek (int level) const
 Gets an item at a given position in the stack. This function is protected so that FdoStack implementors can decide whether to expose it or restrict access to the top element only.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
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