FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoFilter Class Reference

#include <Filter.h>

Inherits FdoIDisposable.

Inherited by FdoLogicalOperator, and FdoSearchCondition.

Inheritance diagram for FdoFilter:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoFilter abstract class is a base class for condition and operator classes that can occur in a filter expression tree. The FdoFilter class contains operations for converting between the text and expression tree representation of a filter.

Definition at line 37 of file Filter.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual FDO_API void Process (FdoIFilterProcessor *p)=0
 Abstract operation that takes an FdoIFilterProcessor as an argument. Concrete filter subclasses must override this method and pass themselves as an argument to the appropriate filter processor operation.
FDO_API FdoStringToString ()
 Converts the filter expression to its well defined text representation.
virtual FdoStringToStringInternal (FdoIdentifierCollection *pIdCol)=0
 This is an internal method. It returns the well defined text representation of the filter.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDO_API FdoFilterCombine (FdoString *lhs, FdoBinaryLogicalOperations operation, FdoString *rhs)
 Static operation that combines two filters using the specified binary logical operation.
static FDO_API FdoFilterCombine (FdoFilter *lhs, FdoBinaryLogicalOperations operation, FdoString *rhs)
 Static operation that combines two filters using the specified binary logical operation.
static FDO_API FdoFilterCombine (FdoString *lhs, FdoBinaryLogicalOperations operation, FdoFilter *rhs)
 Static operation that combines two filters using the specified binary logical operation.
static FDO_API FdoFilterCombine (FdoFilter *lhs, FdoBinaryLogicalOperations operation, FdoFilter *rhs)
 Static operation that combines two filters using the specified binary logical operation.
static FDO_API FdoFilterParse (FdoString *filterText)
 Static operation that parses the well defined text representation and returns a Filter instance.

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