FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoIExpressionProcessor Class Reference

#include <IExpressionProcessor.h>

Inherits FdoIDisposable.

Inheritance diagram for FdoIExpressionProcessor:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoIExpressionProcessor interface can be used to process the nodes in an Expression tree. It declares an process operation for each concrete class in the FdoExpression hierarchy. Providers or client applications can create classes that realize this interface to do something meaningful with an FdoExpression hierarchy. For example, an RDBMS feature provider implements a processor class to convert an FdoExpression hierarchy to the SQL equivalent syntax.

Definition at line 55 of file IExpressionProcessor.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual void ProcessBinaryExpression (FdoBinaryExpression &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoBinaryExpression passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessBLOBValue (FdoBLOBValue &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoBLOBValue passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessBooleanValue (FdoBooleanValue &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoBooleanValue passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessByteValue (FdoByteValue &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoByteValue passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessCLOBValue (FdoCLOBValue &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoCLOBValue passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessComputedIdentifier (FdoComputedIdentifier &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoComputedIdentifier passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessDateTimeValue (FdoDateTimeValue &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoDateTimeValue passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessDecimalValue (FdoDecimalValue &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoDecimalValue passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessDoubleValue (FdoDoubleValue &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoDoubleValue passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessFunction (FdoFunction &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoFunction passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessGeometryValue (FdoGeometryValue &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoGeometryValue passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessIdentifier (FdoIdentifier &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoIdentifier passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessInt16Value (FdoInt16Value &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoInt16Value passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessInt32Value (FdoInt32Value &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoInt32Value passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessInt64Value (FdoInt64Value &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoInt64Value passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessParameter (FdoParameter &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoParameter passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessSingleValue (FdoSingleValue &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoSingleValue passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessStringValue (FdoStringValue &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoStringValue passed in as an argument.
virtual void ProcessUnaryExpression (FdoUnaryExpression &expr)=0
 Processes the FdoUnaryExpression passed in as an argument.

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