FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoIDestroyDataStore Class Reference

#include <IDestroyDataStore.h>

Inherits FdoICommand.

Inheritance diagram for FdoIDestroyDataStore:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoIDestroyDataStore interface defines the destroy datastore command that can be used to remove and existing datastore. The input is provided through a dictionary of name value pairs that is provider dependant.

Definition at line 35 of file IDestroyDataStore.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual FDO_API void Execute ()=0
 Executes the FdoIDeleteDataStore command.
virtual FDO_API FdoIDataStorePropertyDictionaryGetDataStoreProperties ()=0
 Gets the FdoIDataStorePropertyDictionary interface that can be used to dynamically query and set the properties required to delete an existing datastore.


class FdoIConnection

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