FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoArray< T > Class Template Reference

#include <Array.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class FdoArray< T >

Abstract template class for defining dynamic arrays.

WARNING: This array uses a single memory allocation to store array elements and may re-allocate that memory when the array size needs to change. Therefore, do not keep pointers to array elements and avoid using for objects which cannot be safely moved around in memory or which have non-empty destructors.

Definition at line 68 of file Array.h.

Public Member Functions

FdoInt32 AddRef ()
 Increase the reference count.
void Clear ()
 Removes all items from the array.
FdoInt32 GetCount () const
 Gets the number of items in the array.
const T * GetData () const
 Get a pointer to the data in the array.
T * GetData ()
 Get a pointer to the data in the array.
FdoInt32 GetRefCount ()
 Retrieves the reference count.
T & operator[] (int i)
 Provide index operator [] access to array members.
const T & operator[] (int i) const
 Provide index operator [] access to array members.
FdoInt32 Release ()
 Decrease the reference count.

Static Public Member Functions

static FdoArray< T > * Append (FdoArray< T > *array, T element)
 Adds the specified item to the end of the array. Returns a new array pointer.
static FdoArray< T > * Append (FdoArray< T > *array, FdoInt32 numElements, T *elements)
 Adds the specified array of items to the end of the array. Returns a new array pointer.
static FdoArray< T > * Create (const T *elements, FdoInt32 initialNumElements)
 Create a dynamic array from a pointer to a fixed array.
static FdoArray< T > * Create (FdoInt32 initialAlloc)
 Create a dynamic array preallocated to a specific size.
static FdoArray< T > * Create ()
 Create an empty array.
static FdoArray< T > * SetSize (FdoArray< T > *array, FdoInt32 numElements)
 Resize the array.

Protected Member Functions

void Dispose ()
 the rest of FdoIDisposable
 FdoArray ()
T & GetValue (FdoInt32 i)
const T & GetValue (FdoInt32 i) const
 Access elements.
void SetValue (FdoInt32 i, T newElement)

Static Protected Member Functions

static FdoArray< T > * AllocMore (FdoArray< T > *array, FdoInt32 atLeastThisMuch, bool exactly)
static FdoArray< T > * SetAlloc (FdoArray< T > *array, FdoInt32 numElements)

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