FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoObjectPropertyDefinition Class Reference

#include <ObjectPropertyDefinition.h>

Inherits FdoPropertyDefinition.

Inheritance diagram for FdoObjectPropertyDefinition:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoObjectPropertyDefinition class derives from FdoPropertyDefinition and represents containment of an object or a collection of objects within another class. The class of the contained object must already be defined in the feature schema and cannot be abstract.

Definition at line 38 of file ObjectPropertyDefinition.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual void _writeXml (FdoSchemaXmlContext *pContext)
 Serialize this property to XML.
FDO_API FdoClassDefinitionGetClass ()
 Gets a reference to the FdoClassDefinition that defines the type of this property.
FDO_API FdoDataPropertyDefinitionGetIdentityProperty ()
 Gets a reference to an FdoDataPropertyDefinition to use for uniquely identifying instances of the contained class within a single parent object instance. This value is only used for the FdoObjectType_Collection and FdoObjectType_OrderedCollection object property types. The FdoDataPropertyDefinition must belong to the FdoClassDefinition that defines the type of this property.
FDO_API FdoObjectType GetObjectType ()
 Gets the type of this object property (value, collection, or ordered collection).
FDO_API FdoOrderType GetOrderType ()
 Gets the order type of this object property (ascending or descending). This property is only applicable if the property type is set to FdoObjectType_OrderedCollection.
virtual FDO_API FdoPropertyType GetPropertyType ()
 Gets the concrete property type.
virtual void InitFromXml (const FdoString *propertyTypeName, FdoSchemaXmlContext *pContext, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *attrs)
 Initialize this property from its XML attributes.
virtual void Set (FdoPropertyDefinition *pProperty, FdoSchemaXmlContext *pContext)
 Update this property from the given property.
FDO_API void SetClass (FdoClassDefinition *value)
 Sets a reference to the FdoClassDefinition that defines the type of this property.
FDO_API void SetIdentityProperty (FdoDataPropertyDefinition *value)
 Sets a reference to an FdoDataPropertyDefinition to use for uniquely identifying instances of the contained class within a single parent object instance. This value is only used for the FdoObjectType_Collection and FdoObjectType_OrderedCollection object property types. The FdoDataPropertyDefinition must belong to the FdoClassDefinition that defines the type of this property.
FDO_API void SetObjectType (FdoObjectType value)
 Sets the type of this object property (value, collection, or ordered collection).
FDO_API void SetOrderType (FdoOrderType value)
 Sets the order type of this object property (ascending or descending). This property is only applicable if the property type is set to FdoObjectType_OrderedCollection.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDO_API FdoObjectPropertyDefinitionCreate (FdoString *name, FdoString *description, bool system=false)
 Constructs an instance of an FdoObjectPropertyDefinition using the specified arguments.
static FDO_API FdoObjectPropertyDefinitionCreate ()
 Constructs a default instance of an FdoObjectPropertyDefinition.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void _AcceptChanges ()
virtual void _BeginChangeProcessing ()
virtual void _EndChangeProcessing ()
virtual void _RejectChanges ()
virtual void _StartChanges ()
 FdoFeatureSchema::RejectChanges() support.
FDO_API FdoObjectPropertyDefinition (FdoString *name, FdoString *description, bool system=false)
FDO_API FdoObjectPropertyDefinition ()
 Constructs a default instance of an FdoObjectPropertyDefinition.

Protected Attributes

FdoObjectType m_objectTypeCHANGED
FdoOrderType m_orderTypeCHANGED

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