FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoIGetLockedObjects Class Reference

#include <IGetLockedObjects.h>

Inherits FdoICommand.

Inheritance diagram for FdoIGetLockedObjects:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoIGetLockedObjects interface defines the GetLockedObjects command, which gets a list of all objects that are currently locked by a particular user.

Definition at line 33 of file IGetLockedObjects.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual FDO_API FdoILockedObjectReaderExecute ()=0
 Executes the GetLockedObjects command, returning an FdoILockedObjectReader.
virtual FDO_API FdoStringGetLockOwner ()=0
 Gets the name of the user whose locked objects you want to list.
virtual FDO_API void SetLockOwner (FdoString *value)=0
 Sets the name of the user whose locked objects you want to list.

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