FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoXmlFeatureReader Class Reference

#include <FeatureReader.h>

Inherits FdoIFeatureReader, and FdoXmlFeatureHandler.

Inheritance diagram for FdoXmlFeatureReader:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

FdoXmlFeatureReader reads GML format features from a XML document. The reading is done procedurally, rather than through events. Each feature can be read in 3 steps:.

  1. call ReadNext() to get the next feature.
  2. call GetClassDefinition() to get the current feature's property list.
  3. call GetProperty() for each feature property to retrieve.
This class allows random access to the properties of the current feature, meaning that ReadNext() accumulates a list of these properties. This may have slight performance implications. If performance is a concern then FdoXmlFeaturePropertyReader should be used instead.

Definition at line 44 of file FeatureReader.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual FDO_API FdoXmlFeaturePropertyReaderGetFeaturePropertyReader ()=0
 Gets the feature property reader that was passed to this object.
virtual FDO_API FdoFeatureSchemaCollectionGetFeatureSchemas ()=0
 Gets the feature schemas describing the features being read.
virtual FDO_API void SetFeatureSchemas (FdoFeatureSchemaCollection *schemas)=0
 Sets the feature schemas describing the features being read.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDO_API FdoXmlFeatureReaderCreate (FdoXmlReader *reader, FdoXmlFeatureFlags *flags=NULL)
 creates a Feature Reader for reading features from XML.

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