FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoArrayHelper Class Reference

#include <ArrayHelper.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class to do allocations for the FdoArray template. Allocations and freeing must be done in this class in order to protect against various callers that have overridden the "new" and "delete" operators.

Definition at line 31 of file ArrayHelper.h.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDO_API_COMMON GenericArrayAllocMore (GenericArray *array, FdoInt32 atLeastThisMuch, bool exactly, FdoInt32 elementSize)
static FDO_API_COMMON GenericArrayAppend (GenericArray *array, FdoInt32 numElements, FdoByte *elements, FdoInt32 elementSize)
static FDO_API_COMMON void DisposeOfArray (GenericArray *array, FdoInt32 elementSize)
static FDO_API_COMMON GenericArraySetAlloc (GenericArray *array, FdoInt32 numElements, FdoInt32 elementSize)
static FDO_API_COMMON GenericArraySetSize (GenericArray *array, FdoInt32 numElements, FdoInt32 elementSize)

Protected Member Functions

FDO_API_COMMON FdoArrayHelper ()
 Constructor (makes sure that this class cannot be instantiated -- it consists of all static methods.).


struct  GenericArray
struct  Metadata
 Metadata for an array. This precedes the actually array data in any allocation. More...

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