API Reference OSGeo FDO Provider for ArcSDE

ArcSDEIndexMapping Class Reference

#include <FdoArcSDEIndexMapping.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 27 of file FdoArcSDEIndexMapping.h.

Public Member Functions

FDOSDE_API void Dispose (void)
 Dispose this object.
FDOSDE_API FdoStringCollection * GetPropertyNames ()
 Returns the collection of FDO property names this index applies to. Must be non-empty when executing ApplySchema.
virtual FDOSDE_API void InitFromXml (FdoXmlSaxContext *pContext, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *attrs)
 Initialize this element from its XML attributes.
FDOSDE_API bool IsAscending ()
 Returns true if index enforces ascending order, false otherwise.
FDOSDE_API bool IsUnique ()
 Returns true if index enforces uniqueness, false otherwise.
FDOSDE_API void SetAscending (bool value)
 Set this to true if index should enforce ascending order, false otherwise.
FDOSDE_API void SetUnique (bool value)
 Set this to true if index should enforce uniqueness, false otherwise.
virtual FDOSDE_API FdoBoolean XmlEndElement (FdoXmlSaxContext *context, FdoString *uri, FdoString *name, FdoString *qname)
 Handle the end of a sub-element.
virtual FDOSDE_API FdoXmlSaxHandler * XmlStartElement (FdoXmlSaxContext *context, FdoString *uri, FdoString *name, FdoString *qname, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *atts)
 Handle the start of a sub-element.
virtual FDOSDE_API ~ArcSDEIndexMapping (void)
 The destructor for the ArcSDEIndexMapping class.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDOSDE_API ArcSDEIndexMappingCreate (void)
 Creates a new instance of the ArcSDEIndexMapping class.

Protected Member Functions

FDOSDE_API ArcSDEIndexMapping (void)
 The constructor for the ArcSDEIndexMapping class.

Protected Attributes

bool m_Ascending
 Whether or not this index enforces ascending order.
FdoPtr< FdoStringCollection > m_IndexPropertyMappings
 The properties this index applies to.
bool m_Unique
 Whether or not this index enforces uniqueness.

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