FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoFunctionDefinition Class Reference

#include <FunctionDefinition.h>

Inherits FdoIDisposable.

Inheritance diagram for FdoFunctionDefinition:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoFunctionDefinition class contains metadata that describes a function and its arguments.

Definition at line 34 of file FunctionDefinition.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual FDO_API FdoBoolean CanSetName ()
 Indicates that this object allows its name to change. This function is defined so that this class can be a FdoNamedCollection element.
FDO_API FdoReadOnlyArgumentDefinitionCollectionGetArguments ()
 Gets an array of FdoArgumentDefinition objects required for the function.
FDO_API FdoStringGetDescription ()
 Gets a brief description of the function.
FDO_API FdoStringGetName ()
 Gets the name of the function.
FDO_API FdoPropertyType GetReturnPropertyType ()
 Gets the FdoPropertyType of the function return value.
FDO_API FdoDataType GetReturnType ()
 Gets the FdoDataType of the function return value. This is only valid if the function return property type is FdoPropertyType_DataProperty.
FDO_API FdoReadOnlySignatureDefinitionCollectionGetSignatures ()
 Gets an array of FdoSignatureDefinition objects that describe the different signatures supported by the function.
FDO_API bool IsAggregate ()
 Returns true if the function is an aggregate function and false if it is a simple function.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDO_API FdoFunctionDefinitionCreate (FdoString *name, FdoString *description, bool isAggregate, FdoSignatureDefinitionCollection *signatures)
 Constructs an instance of an FdoFunctionDefinition using the specified arguments.
static FDO_API FdoFunctionDefinitionCreate (FdoString *name, FdoString *description, FdoPropertyType returnPropertyType, FdoDataType returnType, FdoArgumentDefinitionCollection *arguments)
 Constructs an instance of an FdoFunctionDefinition using the specified arguments.
static FDO_API FdoFunctionDefinitionCreate (FdoString *name, FdoString *description, FdoDataType returnType, FdoArgumentDefinitionCollection *arguments)
 Constructs an instance of an FdoFunctionDefinition using the specified arguments.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Dispose ()
 Dispose this object.
 FdoFunctionDefinition ()
 Constructs an instance of an FdoFunctionDefinition using default values.
 FdoFunctionDefinition (FdoString *name, FdoString *description, bool isAggregate, FdoSignatureDefinitionCollection *signatures)
 Constructs an instance of an FdoFunctionDefinition using the specified arguments.
 FdoFunctionDefinition (FdoString *name, FdoString *description, FdoPropertyType returnPropertyType, FdoDataType returnType, FdoArgumentDefinitionCollection *arguments)
 Constructs an instance of an FdoFunctionDefinition using the specified arguments.
 FdoFunctionDefinition (FdoString *name, FdoString *description, FdoDataType returnType, FdoArgumentDefinitionCollection *arguments)
 Constructs an instance of an FdoFunctionDefinition using the specified arguments.
virtual ~FdoFunctionDefinition ()

Protected Attributes

wchar_t * m_description
bool m_isAggregate
wchar_t * m_name

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