API Reference OSGeo FDO Provider for GDAL

FDO Provider for GDAL Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
FdoGrfpClassCollectionThe FdoGrfpClassCollection holds a list of class definitions
FdoGrfpClassDefinitionDefines overrides for a feature class that contains raster data
FdoGrfpPhysicalSchemaMappingThe instance of class FdoGrfpPhysicalSchemaMapping is the root object of all instances of overrides classes. It holds a list of Class Definitions
FdoGrfpRasterBandCollectionHolds a list of Raster Band Definition
FdoGrfpRasterBandDefinitionDefines a raster band which contains a name and the extents of the raster band
FdoGrfpRasterDefinitionCollection of raster locations
FdoGrfpRasterFeatureCollectionHolds a list of Raster Feature Definition
FdoGrfpRasterFeatureDefinitionCollection of raster Features
FdoGrfpRasterGeoreferenceLocation<library>GRFPOverrides.lib</library> The FdoGrfpRasterImageDefinition class defines a raster image which contains a name and the extents of the raster image
FdoGrfpRasterImageDefinitionDefines a raster image which contains a name and the extents of the raster image
FdoGrfpRasterLocationDefines a location that contains a collection of raster feature definitions
FdoGrfpRasterLocationCollectionCollection of Raster Locations
