API Reference OSGeo FDO Provider for WMS

FdoWmsOvRasterDefinition Class Reference

#include <FdoWmsOvRasterDefinition.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoWmsOvRasterDefinition class defines the physical overrides for a raster property in a WMS FDO schema.

Definition at line 32 of file FdoWmsOvRasterDefinition.h.

Public Member Functions

FDOWMS_API FdoString * GetBackgroundColor (void) const
 Gets the background color.
FDOWMS_API FdoString * GetElevationDimension (void) const
 Gets the elevation dimension of the requested WMS map.
FDOWMS_API FdoWmsOvFormatType GetFormatType (void) const
 Gets the format type in which the WMS image will be generated.
FDOWMS_API FdoWmsOvLayerCollectionGetLayers (void) const
 Gets the WMS layers that will be used to construct the composite WMS image.
virtual FDOWMS_API FdoStringP GetQualifiedName ()
 Gets the fully qualified name of this element.
FDOWMS_API FdoString * GetSpatialContextName (void) const
 Gets the spatial context in which the requested WMS map will be returned.
FDOWMS_API FdoString * GetTimeDimension (void) const
 Gets the time dimension of the requested WMS map.
FDOWMS_API FdoBoolean GetTransparent (void) const
 Gets the transparency state.
FDOWMS_API void SetBackgroundColor (FdoString *bgColor)
 Sets the background color.
FDOWMS_API void SetElevationDimension (FdoString *dimension)
 Sets the time dimension of the requested WMS map.
FDOWMS_API void SetFormatType (FdoWmsOvFormatType value)
 Sets the format type in which the WMS image will be generated.
FDOWMS_API void SetSpatialContextName (FdoString *value)
 Sets the spatial context in which the requested WMS map will be returned.
FDOWMS_API void SetTimeDimension (FdoString *time)
 Sets the time dimension of the requested WMS map.
FDOWMS_API void SetTransparent (FdoBoolean transparent)
 Sets the transparency state.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDOWMS_API FdoWmsOvRasterDefinitionCreate ()
 Constructs a new Raster Definition.


class FdoWmsOvClassDefinition

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