The BOOST_PP_INCLUDE_SELF macro includes a file indirectly.




A quoted or angle-bracketed filename to be included by BOOST_PP_INCLUDE_SELF.


BOOST_PP_INDIRECT_SELF must be defined prior to using this macro.
Most preprocessors will not allow a file to directly include itself--even when the file protects itself from such a scenario.  This macro, in combination with BOOST_PP_INDIRECT_SELF allows a file to include itself indirectly.
While BOOST_PP_INDIRECT_SELF is being included, BOOST_PP_INCLUDE_SELF defines the macro BOOST_PP_IS_SELFISH to 1.  When it returns from the inclusion, BOOST_PP_IS_SELFISH is undefined.

See Also


Header:  <boost/preprocessor/iteration/self.hpp>

Sample Code

// file.h

   #ifndef FILE_H_
   #define FILE_H_

   #include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/self.hpp>

   #define NAME X
   struct NAME {
      // ...
      #define BOOST_PP_INDIRECT_SELF "file.h"
      #include BOOST_PP_INCLUDE_SELF()

   #define NAME Y
   struct NAME {
      // ...
      #define BOOST_PP_INDIRECT_SELF "file.h"
      #include BOOST_PP_INCLUDE_SELF()

   #define NAME Z
   struct NAME {
      // ...
      #define BOOST_PP_INDIRECT_SELF "file.h"
      #include BOOST_PP_INCLUDE_SELF()



      inline bool validate(NAME* p) {
         return true;

      template<class T> bool validate(T* p) {
         return dynamic_cast<NAME*>(p);

   #undef NAME
