NAME - Converts a TIFF (8 or 24 bit) raster file to GRASS raster file(s).
(GRASS Raster Data Import Program)

SYNOPSIS [-vb] input=name output=name [nlev=value]


This program imports a TIFF raster file (8 or 24 bit) to GRASS raster file(s). Output is placed in the /cell directory under the user's current GRASS mapset.


Verbose mode
Import TrueColor (24 bit) TIFF into separate red, blue, and green bands. Each band file will be named output.[r|b|g] depending on the band.


Name of an existing TIFF raster file to be imported.
Name to be assigned to resultant binary raster map layer.
Optionally specify the number of colors per band for TrueColor TIFF files.
Options: 1 - 256
Default: 20 (8000 colors)

The program prompts the user to enter the name of the TIFF raster file to be converted and the name to be assigned to the GRASS raster file to contain the resultant image. Currently "TIFF/uncompressed", "TIFF/PackBits-compression" and "TIFF/deflate" formats are supported. Other compression schemes may not be read correctly. LZW compression is not supported due to UNISYS patent.

If a TIFF World file exists with an extension of "tfw", "tifw", "TFW", or "TIFW", it will be used to set the boundary coordinates and cell size. Rotation in the TIFF World file is not supported (second and third numbers). If no TIFF World file exists, the user should adjust boundary coordinates stored in the cell header after import using .


For non-*nix Operating Systems, the TIFF World file may not be found if it's under a directory tree that has one of ".tfw", ".tifw", ".TFW" or ".TIFW". Also, be aware that the TIFF World file is a text file. Therefore, if it has come from an operating system with a different idea about the end of line character(s), it may not be read properly. The input routine expects each entry on a separate line. Scripts like dos2unix can be used to fixed this.

SEE ALSO parser and


Michael Shapiro, U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

GRASS 5.0 team