

A result list for featureCollections


  • http/javascripts/mod_ResultList.js


INSERT INTO gui_element(fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment,
e_title, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width,
e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file,
e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url)
VALUES('<gui_id>','resultList',2,1,'','Result List','div','','',NULL ,NULL

INSERT INTO gui_element_vars(fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type)
VALUES('<app_id>', 'resultList', 'resultListTitle', 'Search results', 'title of the result list dialog', 'var');
INSERT INTO gui_element_vars(fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type)
VALUES('<app_id>', 'resultList', 'resultListHeight', '250', 'height of the result list dialog' ,'var');
INSERT INTO gui_element_vars(fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type)
VALUES('<app_id>', 'resultList', 'resultListWidth', '800', 'width of the result list dialog' ,'var');
INSERT INTO gui_element_vars(fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type)
VALUES('<app_id>', 'resultList', 'position', '[200,200]', 'position of the result list dialog' ,'var');


Maintainer Malhas


resultListTitle[optional] title of the resultList dialog
resultListHeight[optional] height of the resultList dialog
resultListWidth[optional] width of the resultList dialog
position[optional] position of the result list detail popup


Copyright © 2009, Open Source Geospatial Foundation This program is dual licensed under the GNU General Public License and Simplified BSD license. /mapbender- /trunk- /mapbender- /license- /license.txt

resultListA result list for featureCollections
addGlobalButtonDescriptions: adds a Button to the bottom of the resultList Parameters: buttondef: {Object} an object with five properties, “title”, “type” (either button or select) “classes” (the classes the button should have), “selectoptions” (an array in case the type is select), “callback”
addPopupButtonDescription: adds a Button to the Popupmenu that is displayed when the user clicks an entry in the result list Parameters: buttondef: {Object} an object with two properties: “title” and “callback”, a function that gets the feature that corresponds to the popup as it’s argument
getSelectedDescription: gets all rows from the datatable which are selected Returns: an an array of DOMTableRow



this.addGlobalButton = function(buttondef)

Descriptions: adds a Button to the bottom of the resultList Parameters: buttondef: {Object} an object with five properties, “title”, “type” (either button or select) “classes” (the classes the button should have), “selectoptions” (an array in case the type is select), “callback”


this.addPopupButton = function(buttondef)

Description: adds a Button to the Popupmenu that is displayed when the user clicks an entry in the result list Parameters: buttondef: {Object} an object with two properties: “title” and “callback”, a function that gets the feature that corresponds to the popup as it’s argument


this.getSelected = function()

Description: gets all rows from the datatable which are selected Returns: an an array of DOMTableRow

this.addGlobalButton = function(buttondef)
Descriptions: adds a Button to the bottom of the resultList Parameters: buttondef: {Object} an object with five properties, “title”, “type” (either button or select) “classes” (the classes the button should have), “selectoptions” (an array in case the type is select), “callback”
this.addPopupButton = function(buttondef)
Description: adds a Button to the Popupmenu that is displayed when the user clicks an entry in the result list Parameters: buttondef: {Object} an object with two properties: “title” and “callback”, a function that gets the feature that corresponds to the popup as it’s argument
this.getSelected = function()
Description: gets all rows from the datatable which are selected Returns: an an array of DOMTableRow