$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 aborted, mb_digitize_geometry. events
 actualConfig, printPDF
 added, mb_digitize_geometry. events
 addGlobalButton, resultList
 addPopupButton, resultList
 afterWfs, digitize. events
 beforeInsert, digitize. events
 beforeUpdate, digitize. events
 beforeUpdateOrInsert, digitize. events
 casts negative numbers to positive ones, Mapbender
 clickDelete, digitize. events
 cloneObject, Mapbender
 closeGeometry, digitize. events
 cookiesEnables, Mapbender
 createPrintBox, printPDF
 deleteFeature, ResultGeometryListModel
 deleteFeatureCollection, ResultGeometryListModel
 destroyPrintBox, printPDF
 finished, mb_digitize_geometry. events
 Functions and Properties, ResultGeometryListModel
 geometryInserted, digitize. events
 getConjunctionChar, Mapbender
 getFeature, ResultGeometryListModel
 getFeatureProperty, ResultGeometryListModel
 getPDFMapSize, printPDF
 getSelected, resultList
 gui_id,is not autocrated in the database
 hide, Sandclock
 hookForm, printPDF
 isRegistered, Event
 loadConfig, printPDF
 mergeLines, digitize. events
 mod_printPDF_init, printPDF
 mousemove, mb_digitize_geometry. events
Triggered if the geometry could not be created.
object, holds the actual configuration after loading the json file
Triggered after a point has been added to the geometry.
this.addFeature = function(feature)
Description: adds a Feature to the Model Parameters: feature - a geoJSON featuree
this.addFeature = function (geoJSON)
Add a feature to the geometry array
this.addFeatureCollection = function(geoJSON)
Description: adds a FeatureCollection to the Model Parameters: geoJSON - a geoJSON featureCollection
this.addFeatureCollection = function (geoJSON)
Add a feature collection to the geometry array
var addFeatureCollection_callback = function(featureEntryCollection)
Description: The callback received from the Model upon successfully adding a Feature Parameters: featureEntryCollection - an array of (index,featureCollection) tuples
this.addGlobalButton = function(buttondef)
Descriptions: adds a Button to the bottom of the resultList Parameters: buttondef: {Object} an object with five properties, “title”, “type” (either button or select) “classes” (the classes the button should have), “selectoptions” (an array in case the type is select), “callback”
this.addPopupButton = function(buttondef)
Description: adds a Button to the Popupmenu that is displayed when the user clicks an entry in the result list Parameters: buttondef: {Object} an object with two properties: “title” and “callback”, a function that gets the feature that corresponds to the popup as it’s argument
this.addRowButton = function(buttondef)
Description: adds a Button to each row Parameters: buttondef: {Object} an object with properties: “title” and “callback”, a function that gets the feature that corresponds to the popup as it’s argument
Shows all WMS services contained in an authorized GUI Shows list of all available WMS with abstract description Adds selected WMS to current application checkbox to ctivate layer on load, checkbox to zoom to WMS extent on load
Add a WMS from a container.
This Mapbender.Event is fired after a feature has been inserted, updated or deleted by WFS-T
An AJAX wrapper for client server interaction via JSON RPC
This Mapbender.Event is fired before a feature is inserted by WFS-T.
This Mapbender.Event is fired before a feature is updated by WFS-T.
This Mapbender.Event is fired before a feature is updated or inserted by WFS-T.
Imagine you have a DIV element in your application.
Adds a clickable button to Mapbender
Select a spatial reference system EPSG code.
This Mapbender.Event is fired when the user clicks the button to delete features by WFS-T
Mapbender.cloneObject = function (p,
Clone an object recursively.
This Mapbender.Event is fired after a new geometry has been digitized.
Allow saving a defined point or line geometry without inserting attribute data.
Sets a cookie after each map request.
Checks whether cookies are enabled in the browser
The user enters a coordinate tuple and selects the corresponding SRS from a select box.
this.createPrintBox = function ()
creates a printBox in the current view, calculates the scale (tbd.
this.deleteFeature = function (index)
Delete a feature from the geometry array
this.deleteFeatureCollection = function ()
Delete the feature collection (= clear)
var destroyPrintBox = function ()
removes an existing printBox.
Allows the user to digitize polygons, lines and points.
Adds behaviour to maps specified in the target field.
An event.
var MapbenderEvent = Mapbender.Event = function ()
Your callback functions receive an object with the following attributes
Logs an exception in the log file, in a console window or as an alert
Mapbender.Exception = function (message)
An extent is also known as a bounding box.
Mapbender.Extent = function (minx,
Module to load GeoRSS or KML temporary in a tree
Triggered after the geometry has been completed.
Simply includes the Firebug lite JavaScript and CSS
A WFS gazetteer for pre configured WFS configurations.
This Mapbender.Event is fired after a feature has been inserted by WFS-T
Mapbender.getConjunctionChar = function (url)
returns the character necessary to append to a string in order to attach more GET parameters
this.getFeature = function (index)
Get a feature in the geometry array
this.getFeatureProperty = function (index,
Get a property of a feature in the geometry array
var getPDFMapSize = function (key)
checks the actual config for the size w/h values.
this.getSelected = function()
Description: gets all rows from the datatable which are selected Returns: an an array of DOMTableRow
Mapbender is initialized with params for visibility and queryability of layers given as parameters visiblelayers and querylayers (comma-separated lists of layer names) or visiblelayers_regexpr and querylayers_regexpr (regular expressions that match layer names)
this.hide = function (nodeId)
Hides the sandclock
var hookForm = function ()
utility method to connect the form plugin to the print form.
Internationalization module, collects data from all elements and sends them to the server in a single POST request.
Mapbender is initialized with a WMC document given as parameter load_wmc_id
this.isRegistered = function (aFunction)
Checks if a function is already registered with this event.
Includes the jQuery plugin datatables, use like this
The container for the jQuery plugin jGrowl
Accordion from the jQuery UI framework
A collection of jQuery UI effects
resizable from the jQuery UI framework
A List object is an array of arbitrary objects with additional methods.
This element enables you to load GeoRSS or KML temporary to a Mapbender application.
this.loadConfig = function (configFilename,
GETs the config, build corresponding form, remove an existing printBox
Logs the accesses to the guis in the database or a logfile The accesses will be written in the mapbender database on table mb_log or into mapbender/log/mb_access_$DATE.log.
This is the central module for displaying the composite map overlay.
Mapbender.Map = function (options)
This jQuery plugin grants access to the Mapbender API from a DOM element.
The main map in Mapbender
A very basic marker class.
Mapbender.Marker = function (p,
A GoogleMaps like button set to select the current background map.
A button that allows to draw a geometry on maps, for example polygons.
Module for the extended search form.
Displays geometries in maps.
Adds navigation arrows on top of the map
A description
Puts existing elements into horizontal tabs, using jQuery UI tabs.
Measure module with jQuery UI widget factory and RaphaelJS
This Mapbender.Event is fired when 2 lines are merged to a single line,
var mod_printPDF_init = function ()
initializes the print modules, generates template chooser and loads first configuration.
Triggered whenever a new point can be added to the geometry.
Zoom in/out with the mousewheel.