Berkeley DB XML
version 2.3.10

Class XmlIndexSpecification

  extended by com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlIndexSpecification

public class XmlIndexSpecification
extends Object

The encapsulation of the indexing specification of a container. An indexing specification can be retrieved with the XmlContainer.getIndexSpecification() method, and modified using the XmlContainer.setIndexSpecification(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlIndexSpecification, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlUpdateContext) method.

Note that adding an index to a container results in re-indexing all of the documents in that container, which can take a very long time. It is good practice to design an application to add useful indices before populating a container.

A copy constructor is provided for this class. The class is implemented using a handle-body idiom. When a handle is copied both handles maintain a reference to the same body.

This object is not thread-safe, and can only be safely used by one thread at a time in an application.

Field Summary
static int KEY_EQUALITY
          Equality key type.
static int KEY_NONE
          No key type.
static int KEY_PRESENCE
          Presence key type.
static int KEY_SUBSTRING
          Substring key type.
          Attribute node type.
static int NODE_ELEMENT
          Element node type.
static int NODE_METADATA
          Metadata node type.
static int NODE_NONE
          No node type.
static int PATH_EDGE
          Edge path type.
static int PATH_NODE
          Node path type.
static int PATH_NONE
          No path type.
static int UNIQUE_OFF
          The indexed value need not be unique container-wide
static int UNIQUE_ON
          The indexed value must be unique container-wide
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addDefaultIndex(int type, int syntax)
          Adds an indexing strategy to the default index specification.
 void addDefaultIndex(String index)
          Adds a single indexing strategy to the default index.
 void addIndex(String uri, String name, int type, int syntax)
          Identifies an indexing strategy to set for the identified node.
 void addIndex(String uri, String name, String index)
          Adds an index to the index specification.
 void delete()
          Free the native resources associated with this object.
 void deleteDefaultIndex(int type, int syntax)
          Delete the identified index from the default index specification.
 void deleteDefaultIndex(String index)
          Deletes one or more indexing strategies to the default index.
 void deleteIndex(String uri, String name, int type, int syntax)
          Deletes a single index strategy from the identified node.
 void deleteIndex(String uri, String name, String index)
          Deletes indexing strategies for a named document or metadata node.
 XmlIndexDeclaration find(String uri, String name)
          Returns the indexing strategies for a named document or metadata node.
 String getDefaultIndex()
          Retrieves the default index.
 XmlIndexDeclaration next()
          Obtains the next index in the XmlIndexSpecification.
 void replaceDefaultIndex(int type, int syntax)
          Replaces the default indexing strategy for the container.
 void replaceDefaultIndex(String index)
          Identifies one or more indexing strategies to set for the default index.
 void replaceIndex(String uri, String name, int type, int syntax)
          Replaces the indexing strategies for a named document or metadata node.
 void replaceIndex(String uri, String name, String index)
          Replaces the indexing strategies for a named document or metadata node.
 void reset()
          Resets the index specification iterator to the beginning of the index list.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int UNIQUE_OFF
The indexed value need not be unique container-wide

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UNIQUE_ON
The indexed value must be unique container-wide

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PATH_NONE
No path type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PATH_NODE
Node path type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PATH_EDGE
Edge path type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NODE_NONE
No node type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NODE_ELEMENT
Element node type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NODE_ATTRIBUTE
Attribute node type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NODE_METADATA
Metadata node type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int KEY_NONE
No key type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int KEY_PRESENCE
Presence key type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int KEY_EQUALITY
Equality key type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int KEY_SUBSTRING
Substring key type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public XmlIndexSpecification()
Method Detail


public void delete()
Free the native resources associated with this object.


public void addIndex(String uri,
                     String name,
                     int type,
                     int syntax)
              throws XmlException
Identifies an indexing strategy to set for the identified node. The strategy is set using enumeration values for the index and the syntax.

uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
type - A series of values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy.

To indicate whether the indexed value must be unique container-wide, use one of the following, or leave the value out entirely:

To identify the path type, use one of the following:

To identify the node type, use one of the following:

Note that if NODE_METADATA is used, then PATH_NODE must also be used as well.

To identify the key type, use one of the following:

For example:

XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ELEMENT | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_SUBSTRING
syntax - Identifies the type of information being indexed. The value must be one of the XmlValue enumerated types:

Note that if KEY_PRESENCE is specified for type, then this parameter must be XmlValue.NONE.



public void addIndex(String uri,
                     String name,
                     String index)
              throws XmlException
Adds an index to the index specification. You then set the index specification using XmlContainer.setIndexSpecification(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlIndexSpecification, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlUpdateContext).

You identify the indexing strategy that you want to add to the index specification in one of two ways. The first way is to provide a string that identifies the desired indexing strategy. The second is to use XmlIndexSpecification and XmlValue class constants to identify the same information.

Either way, an index strategy is set by providing the name of a node and one or more indexing strategies for that node. The node name can be either that of an element, attribute, or metadata node. Metadata nodes are used only for indexing metadata. Element and attribute nodes are used for indexing XML document content. For example, in the XML fragment:

"<art title='...'/>"
there are two node names that index strategies could be specified for, the element node name is 'art', and the attribute node name is 'title'.

When specifying indexing strategies, you must provide the following information:

In addition to setting index strategies for specified nodes, applications can also specify a default indexing strategy for all nodes in a container by using addDefaultIndex(int, int). When a container is first created the default indexing strategy is 'unique-node-metadata-equality-string'.

For more information on designing an indexing strategy for your application, see the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide.

uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. The strings must contain the following information in the following order:
unique-{path type}-{node type}-{key type}-{syntax}


unique indicates that the indexed value is unique in the container. If this keyword does not appear on the index string, then the indexed value is not required to be unique in the container.

{path type} is either node or edge.

{node type} is one of element, attribute, or metadata. If metadata is specified, then {path type} must be node.

{key type} is one of presence, equality, or substring.

{syntax} identifies the type of information being indexed. It must be one of the following values:

  • none
  • base64Binary
  • boolean
  • date
  • dateTime
  • dayTimeDuration
  • decimal
  • double
  • duration
  • float
  • gDay
  • gMonth
  • gMonthDay
  • gYear
  • gYearMonth
  • hexBinary
  • string
  • time
  • yearMonthDuration
  • untypedAtomic

Note that if {key type} is presence, then {syntax} must be none or simply not specified.

For example, examples index strings are:



public void deleteIndex(String uri,
                        String name,
                        int type,
                        int syntax)
                 throws XmlException
Deletes a single index strategy from the identified node.

uri - The namespace of the node for which you want the index deleted. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
type - A series of values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy. See addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
syntax -

Identifies the type of information being indexed. See addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.



public void deleteIndex(String uri,
                        String name,
                        String index)
                 throws XmlException
Deletes indexing strategies for a named document or metadata node. To delete an index set for metadata, specify the URI and name used when the metadata was added to the document.

uri - The namespace of the node for which you want the index deleted. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See addIndex(String, String, String) for a complete description.


public void replaceIndex(String uri,
                         String name,
                         int type,
                         int syntax)
                  throws XmlException
Replaces the indexing strategies for a named document or metadata node. All existing indexing strategies for that node are deleted, and the indexing strategy identified by this method is set for the node.

uri - The namespace of the node for which you want the index replaced. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
type - A series of values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy. See addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
syntax -

Identifies the type of information being indexed. See addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.



public void replaceIndex(String uri,
                         String name,
                         String index)
                  throws XmlException
Replaces the indexing strategies for a named document or metadata node. All existing indexing strategies for that node are deleted, and the indexing strategy identified by this method is set for the node.

Identifies one or more indexing strategies to set for the identified node. The strategies are identified using a space-separated listing of strings.

uri - The namespace of the node for which you want the index replaces. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See addIndex(String, String, String) for a complete description.


public void addDefaultIndex(int type,
                            int syntax)
                     throws XmlException
Adds an indexing strategy to the default index specification. That is, the index provided on this method is applied to all nodes in a container, except for those for which an explicit index is already declared.

type - A series of values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy. See addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
syntax -

Identifies the type of information being indexed. See addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.



public void addDefaultIndex(String index)
                     throws XmlException
Adds a single indexing strategy to the default index.

index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See addIndex(String, String, String) for a complete description.


public void deleteDefaultIndex(int type,
                               int syntax)
                        throws XmlException
Delete the identified index from the default index specification. You can add additional indices to the default index specification using addDefaultIndex(int, int).

type - A series of values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy. See addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
syntax -

Identifies the type of information being indexed. See addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.



public void deleteDefaultIndex(String index)
                        throws XmlException
Deletes one or more indexing strategies to the default index.

index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See addIndex(String, String, String) for a complete description.


public void replaceDefaultIndex(int type,
                                int syntax)
                         throws XmlException
Replaces the default indexing strategy for the container. The default index specification is used for all nodes in a document. You can add additional indices for specific document nodes using addIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int).

type - A series of values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy. See addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
syntax -

Identifies the type of information being indexed. See addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.



public void replaceDefaultIndex(String index)
                         throws XmlException
Identifies one or more indexing strategies to set for the default index. The strategies are identified as a space-separated listing of strings.

index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See addIndex(String, String, String) for a complete description.


public void reset()
           throws XmlException
Resets the index specification iterator to the beginning of the index list. Use next() to iterate through the indices contained in the index specification.



public XmlIndexDeclaration find(String uri,
                                String name)
                         throws XmlException
Returns the indexing strategies for a named document or metadata node. This method returns true if an index for the node is found; otherwise, it returns false.

uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.


public XmlIndexDeclaration next()
                         throws XmlException
Obtains the next index in the XmlIndexSpecification. Use reset() to reset this iterator.

This method returns null if no additional indices exist in the index list.



public String getDefaultIndex()
                       throws XmlException
Retrieves the default index. The default index is the index used by all nodes in the document in the absence of any other index.


Berkeley DB XML
version 2.3.10

Copyright 1996,2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.